MCL - 236-1961-57a

Act 236 of 1961
Chapter 57a

Document Type Description
Section 600.5771 Section Definitions.
Section 600.5773 Section Termination of tenancies in mobile home parks; jurisdiction; venue.
Section 600.5775 Section “Just cause” required for termination of tenancy; “just cause” defined; change of rental payments or terms or conditions of tenancy.
Section 600.5777 Section In-person conference with owner or operator of mobile home park.
Section 600.5779 Section Payment of rent and other charges during pendency of action.
Section 600.5781 Section Sale of mobile home on site; conditions.
Section 600.5783 Section Judgment for possession; right of tenant to sell mobile home on site; conditions.
Section 600.5785 Section Contested action to terminate tenancy; liquidated damages.