MCL - Index of 218-1956-82

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 500.8204 Fraternal benefit society; reorganization into legal reserve premium company; amendment of articles.
Section 500.8206 Reorganization; proposed articles and bylaws; filing with insurance commissioner.
Section 500.8208 Reorganization; hearing on petition.
Section 500.8210 Reorganization; member's right to appear.
Section 500.8212 Reorganization; examination; witnesses.
Section 500.8214 Reorganization; authorization by insurance commissioner; modification.
Section 500.8216 Reorganization; order; disposition of assets.
Section 500.8218 Reorganization; submission of plan to governing body of society; meeting.
Section 500.8220 Reorganization; special meeting; notice; approval; required vote; proxies.
Section 500.8224 Reorganization; members; referendum.
Section 500.8228 Reorganization; plan; approval by insurance commissioner; vote; results.
Section 500.8232 Reorganization; plan; adoption requirements.
Section 500.8240 Applicability of MCL 500.8204 to 500.8232.
Section 500.8242 Reorganization; effect; continuation of original corporation; powers; officers.
Section 500.8246 Amendment or reincorporation; saving clause.
Section 500.8250 Liens upon certificates; notices to members; application of section.
Section 500.8254 Certificates of membership; valuation; reserve; annual statement.