MCL - Index of 281-1967-1-2
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
281-1967-1-2 | CHAPTER 2 (206.51...206.91) |
Section 206.51 | Tax rate on taxable income of person other than corporation; percentages of collections deposited in state school aid fund; farmland credits; renew Michigan fund; imposition of annualized rate; computation of taxable income of nonresident; resident beneficiary of trust; tax credit; including items of income and deductions from trust in taxable income; intent of section; definitions. |
Section 206.51a | Repealed. 2011, Act 38 Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. |
Section 206.51b | Repealed. 2000, Act 40, Imd. Eff. Mar. 27, 2000. |
Section 206.51c | Repealed. 2007, Act 94, Imd. Eff. Oct. 1, 2007. |
Section 206.51d | Additional distribution; credit to Michigan transportation fund; disbursements; amounts; dates. |
Section 206.51e | Deposit of revenue into state brownfield redevelopment fund; definitions. |
Section 206.51f | Payment under MCL 125.2090g to 125.2090j; deposit into good jobs for Michigan fund; definitions. |
Section 206.51g | Renew Michigan fund; department of environmental quality administrator; use of funds disbursement percentages; annual report. |
Section 206.51h | Michigan taxpayer rebate fund. |
Section 206.52 | Exemption. |
Section 206.61-206.81 | Repealed. 1975, Act 233, Imd. Eff. Aug. 27, 1975. |
Section 206.91 | Common trust funds and participants; taxable status. |