MCL - Index of Act 58 of 1998
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 58 of 1998 |
MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL CODE OF 1998 (436.1101 - 436.2303) ***** 436.1113a.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE WHEN CONDITIONS APPLIED BY ENACTING SECTION 2(2) OF ACT 269 OF 2005 ARE MET: See compiler's note following section ***** ***** 436.1113 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 269 OF 2005 EFFECTIVE WHEN CONDITIONS APPLIED BY ENACTING SECTION 2(1) OF ACT 269 OF 2005 ARE MET: See compiler's note following section ***** |
58-1998-1 | CHAPTER 1 (436.1101...436.1113a.added) |
Section 436.1101 | Short title. |
Section 436.1103 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 436.1105 | Definitions; A, B. |
Section 436.1107 | Definitions; C to L. |
Section 436.1109 | Definitions; M to O. |
Section 436.1111 | Definitions; P to S. |
Section 436.1113 | Definitions; T to W. |
Section 436.1113a.added | Additional definitions. |
58-1998-2 | CHAPTER 2 (436.1201...436.1235) |
Section 436.1201 | Alcoholic liquor; manufacture, sale, possession, or transportation lawful; terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions; right, power, and duty of commission to control alcoholic beverage traffic and traffic in other alcoholic liquor; unreasonable discrimination against Michigan manufacturers prohibited; enforcement of act and rules; willful neglect or refusal of officer to perform duties as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 436.1203 | Sale, delivery, or importation of alcoholic liquor or wine; duties of direct shipper of wine; common carrier; verification that individual accepting delivery is 21 years of age or older; original purchase and importation into state of spirits for sale, use, storage, or distribution; requirements; exceptions; direct shipper license required; application; fee; violation; delivery of beer and wine to home or designated location of consumer; holder of specially designated merchant license; sale or delivery of spirits by qualified small distiller requirements; delivery or sale of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, or spirits by third party facilitator; reports; retention of books, records, and documents; disclosure; definitions. |
Section 436.1203a | Sale and delivery of beer in this state by micro brewer or substantially-equivalent out-of state entity; requirements. |
Section 436.1203b | Sale and delivery of mixed spirit drink by mixed spirt drink manufacturer or substantially-equivalent out-of-state entity to retailer; requirements. |
Section 436.1204 | Importation of liquor into this state; requirements; exceptions; inspection by the commission. |
Section 436.1204a | Prohibition of the sale or transfer of alcoholic liquor in this state; exceptions; applicability of section to nonalcoholic ingredients. |
Section 436.1205 | Warehousing and delivery of spirits; authorized distribution agent; report. |
Section 436.1206 | Integrated on-line ordering system. |
Section 436.1207 | Exceptions to act. |
Section 436.1209 | Liquor control commission; creation; appointment, duties, and terms of members; designation and duties of hearing commissioners and administrative commissioners; appeal board; duties; terms; oath; removal; vacancies; quorum; salary and expenses; work station; designation by chairperson. |
Section 436.1211 | Liquor control business manager; selection; duty and responsibility. |
Section 436.1213 | Liquor control commission; employment of assistants and employees; compensation; expenses. |
Section 436.1215 | Liquor control commission; rules and regulations; public hearings; record. |
Section 436.1217 | Liquor control commission; investigations; inspection and search of licensed premises; seizure and use of evidence of violation; examining or copying books, records, and papers; issuance of subpoena; oath or affirmation; court order; contempt; fees of witnesses; service of subpoena; seal; certified copies as evidence. |
Section 436.1219 | Liquor control commission; branch offices. |
Section 436.1221 | Liquor control commission; revolving fund; use; report; interest earnings; disposition of money received; "revolving fund" defined. |
Section 436.1223 | Liquor control commission; interest of members or employees. |
Section 436.1225 | Liquor control commission; civil liability of commission or members. |
Section 436.1227 | Liquor control commission; establishment of state liquor stores; basis. |
Section 436.1229 | Licensing hotel or merchant to sell spirits for consumption off premises; sale of alcoholic liquor; price; rules; definitions. |
Section 436.1231 | Liquor control commission; handling of alcoholic liquor; gross profit; leasing and purchasing power. |
Section 436.1233 | Uniform prices for sale of alcoholic liquor; gross profit; prices for sale of alcoholic liquor to hospitals, charitable institutions, and military establishments; discount for certain sales of alcoholic liquor; application and certification of qualified small distiller by department of agriculture and rural development; annual report; expiration of certificate; record retention; definitions. |
Section 436.1235 | Search warrant; seizure of property. |
58-1998-3 | CHAPTER 3 (436.1301...436.1307) |
Section 436.1301 | Wine tax; levy and collection; rate; sacramental wines; tax on mixed spirit drink; payment; incorporation of farm mutual cooperative wineries; licensing; fee; certification of stockholders or members; payment of tax by wholesaler; rules. |
Section 436.1303 | Grape and wine industry council; creation; to be known as Michigan craft beverage council; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; chairperson; personnel; expenses; liability on contracts; compensation; books and records; disposition of money received; award and administration of grants; duties and powers of council; rules; lobbying prohibited; exception; establishment of commodity committee; definitions. |
Section 436.1303a | Michigan craft beverage council fund; creation; receipt of money or other assets; deposit; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining at close of fiscal year; expenditure; "Michigan craft beverage council" defined. |
Section 436.1305 | Wine and mixed spirit drink industry; purpose of section; reasons for regulation; definitions; prohibited conduct; servicing impacted sales territory; termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or discontinuance of agreement; burden; notice; test marketing; sales and distribution; transfer of wholesaler's business; compensation for diminished value of wholesaler's business; arbitration; costs; default; waiver; good faith dispute settlement; agreement binding on successor to supplier; agreements to which section applicable; civil action for actual damages; liability; action for declaratory judgment; exemplary damages; injunctive relief; procedure for resolving violations. |
Section 436.1307 | Sales territory; master distributor defined. |
58-1998-4 | CHAPTER 4 (436.1401...436.1415) |
Section 436.1401 | Wholesalers to be granted exclusive sales territory by manufacturer and outstate seller of beer and malt beverages. |
Section 436.1403 | Beer industry; purpose of section; reasons for regulation; definitions; prohibited conduct; termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or discontinuance of agreement; burden; notice; test marketing; sales and distribution; additional agreement prohibited; transfer of wholesaler's business; compensation for diminished value of wholesaler's business; arbitration; costs; default; waiver; good faith dispute settlement; agreement binding on successor to supplier; agreements to which section applicable; civil action for actual damages; liability; action for declaratory judgment; exemplary damages; injunctive relief; procedure for resolving violations. |
Section 436.1405 | Brewpub license; requirements for issuance. |
Section 436.1407 | Brewpub license; additional requirements; renewal and revocation of license. |
Section 436.1409 | Beer; taxation; payment of tax by wholesaler; designation; tax collection and reporting requirements by rule; exemptions; rebate; barrel as containing 31 gallons; rule prohibiting licensees from purchasing, receiving, possessing, or selling beer manufactured in designated states; judicial review; tax credit or refund; “eligible brewer” defined. |
Section 436.1411 | Brewer not licensed as micro brewer; sale of beer for on-premises consumption on licensed brewery premises; limitations; "engages in the production of beer" defined. |
Section 436.1413 | Participation in beer festival; direct sale by licensed brewpub to holder of special license. |
Section 436.1415 | Issuance of farmer's market permit to qualified small wine maker. |
58-1998-5 | CHAPTER 5 (436.1501...436.1552) |
Section 436.1501 | Licenses; issuance; fees; liability insurance; expiration of full-year license; license as contract; operation of establishment upon death of licensee; approval of receiver or trustee; part-year license; transfer of license; approval of application; request for revocation of license or permit by local legislative body; hotels; zones and anniversary dates for renewal of licenses; rules; nontransferable tavern licenses for concessionaires at state fairgrounds; notice contained in application. |
Section 436.1502 | Salesperson license; issuance; expiration; renewal; fee; conduct not requiring license; accreditation program; curriculum; administrator; definitions. |
Section 436.1503 | License; proximity of contemplated location to church or school building; measurement of distance; exceptions; presumption of validity; waiver; objection; hearing; transfer to location farther from church or school. |
Section 436.1504 | Limited production manufacturer license; fees; conditional sales and purchases; restrictions and prohibitions; registration and federal brewer's notice required; definitions. |
Section 436.1505 | Class “C” or class “B” hotel license; state-owned airport; nontransferable. |
Section 436.1507 | Liquor licenses; publicly owned airports; issuance. |
Section 436.1509 | Liquor licenses; municipal civic center or civic auditorium; conditions and limitations. |
Section 436.1511 | Class “C” or class “B” hotel license for hotel located within Mackinac Island state park; class “C” license for certain concessionaire; license for sale of alcoholic liquor at Presque Isle harbor marina; nontransferability of license. |
Section 436.1513 | Licenses; issuance to governing board of college or university; restrictions and prohibition; sale of alcoholic liquor on hotel or restaurant premises located on land owned by Central Michigan University, Wayne State University, Western Michigan University, Northern Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Oakland University, or Lake Superior State University; conditions; golf course clubhouse; baseball stadium; restaurant; nontransferability; fee; "college," "university," and "conference center" defined. |
Section 436.1513a | Sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption at community college's or university's culinary or hospitality program's location; license; prohibition; submission of documents; cancellation of license; use; license to private entity; catering permit; definitions. |
Section 436.1514 | Hotel and conference center owned and operated by university; issuance of class B hotel license; conditions; limitation; “hospitality program” defined. |
Section 436.1514a | Hotel and conference center owned and operated by university; issuance of class B hotel license; conditions; limitation; “hospitality program” defined. |
Section 436.1515 | Class “C” license or tavern license for certain golf courses; transfer of license to another location prohibited; surrender of license. |
Section 436.1517 | International sporting event licenses; issuance in connection with international golf tournament; circumstances; duration; limitation; list; recommendation by governing body; certification of compliance; fee. |
Section 436.1517a | National sporting event license; issuance; circumstances; duration; limitation on number of licenses issued; recommendation of governing body of host governmental unit; certification of compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; fee; "national sporting event" defined. |
Section 436.1518 | Definitions; issuance of motorsports event licenses; consumption and possession of beer and wine in motorsports entertainment complex; civil liability. |
Section 436.1519 | Property or establishment situated in or on state owned land. |
Section 436.1521 | Limitation on tavern or class C licenses; renewal of license; conditions; revocation; transfer of license; "development district" defined. |
Section 436.1521a | Public on-premises licenses; issuance to businesses; conditions; commercial investment in redevelopment project area; time period; total investment; number of licenses; requirements; fee; transfer of license prohibited; attempt to secure on-premises escrowed license or quota license; definitions. |
Section 436.1522 | Banquet facility permits. |
Section 436.1523 | Liquor licenses; ineligibility of law enforcement officers; exception; "law enforcement personnel" defined. |
Section 436.1525 | License fees; fingerprints; criminal history check; filing completed application; issuance of license within certain period of time; conditional license; report; "completed application" defined. |
Section 436.1526 | Beer festival; issuance of special license; limitation; buying directly from licensed brewpub; showcasing beer; serving age requirement; "beer festival" defined. |
Section 436.1527 | Special license for nonprofit charitable organization; issuance; nontransferable; fee; auction. |
Section 436.1529 | Transfer of license or interest in license; notice of transfer of stock in licensed corporation or licensed limited partnership; investigation to ensure compliance; approval; transfer fee; inspection fee. |
Section 436.1531 | Public license and resort license; on-premises escrowed license; limitations and quotas; additional licenses for certain establishments; license for certain events at public university; outdoor stadium; economic development factors; exceptions as to certain veterans and airports; special state census of local governmental unit; rules; availability of transferable licenses held in escrow; on-premises escrowed or quota license; issuance of available licenses; report; hotels; escrowed specially designated distributor license; transfer; applicability of administrative rule; definitions. |
Section 436.1532 | "Bona fide member" defined; issuance of club license; public notice; annual filing by club; conduct of club affairs and management. |
Section 436.1533 | Specially designated merchant license; specially designated distributor license; issuance; quota; waiver; transfer; limitation; owner or operator of motor vehicle fuel pump on or adjacent to licensed premises; issuance to marina; license fees; determination of population. |
Section 436.1534 | Small distiller license. |
Section 436.1535 | Vendor as authorized to do business. |
Section 436.1536 | Multiple manufacturing licenses; eligibility requirements; operating multiple tasting rooms; compliance requirements; limitations; sale of alcoholic liquor under certain circumstances; samples; earmark for liquor control enforcement and license investigation revolving fund; local approval exceptions; samples of mixed spirit drink. |
Section 436.1537 | Classes of vendors permitted to sell alcoholic liquor at retail; beer and wine drink tastings; filling and selling growlers with beer; sale of nonalcoholic beverages; definitions. |
Section 436.1537a | Sale of alcoholic liquor for off the premises consumption; requirements; delivery of alcoholic liquor within this state; original package prohibited; definitions. |
Section 436.1539 | Marina as specially designated merchant or specially designated distributor; license; conditions. |
Section 436.1541 | Motor vehicle fuel pumps. |
Section 436.1543 | Disposition and use of license and license renewal fees; liquor control enforcement and license investigation revolving fund; "license fee enhancement" defined. |
Section 436.1545 | "Nonpublic continuing care retirement center" defined; license; limitation. |
Section 436.1547 | Definitions; catering permits. |
Section 436.1548 | Public swimming pool permit; fees; requirements; "public swimming pool" defined. |
Section 436.1551 | Social district permit; local management and maintenance plans; revocation; notice; liquor sale requirements within district; special license; removal of container requirements; annual permit; fee; definitions. |
Section 436.1552 | Alcohol dispensing machines; requirements and limitations; violations; penalties; rescission of R 436.1045; "on-premises licensee" defined. |
58-1998-6 | CHAPTER 6 (436.1601...436.1611) |
Section 436.1601 | Importation, sale, transportation, and delivery of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and mixed wine drink for sale by wholesaler; requirements; commission authority to inspect and seize or destroy. |
Section 436.1602 | Termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or discontinuation of agreement; voidance. |
Section 436.1603 | Interest in business of other vendor prohibited; placing stock in portfolio under arrangement, trust agreement, or investment trust agreement; issuance and sale of participating shares within state; prohibitions; sale of brandy and spirits by manufacturer or small distiller; conditions; sale by small distiller; interest of brewpub in other locations; interest in business of other supplier; approval pursuant to R 436.1023(3); interest of manufacturer in wholesaler prohibited; delivery of wine by wine maker to retail licensees prohibited; tiers; application of subsection (13); manufacturing of private label; definitions. |
Section 436.1605 | Acquisition, development, sale, lease, financing, maintenance, operation, or promotion of real property occupied or to be occupied by another vendor; conditions; denial or approval of arrangement or contract; review; denial, revocation, or suspension of license; wholesaler as party to arrangement or contract prohibited; acquisition, development, sale, lease, financing, maintenance, operation, or promotion of condominium project or unit; exception. |
Section 436.1607 | Eligibility for license as specially designated merchant or specially designated distributor; prohibitions; small distiller; wine maker and small wine maker; brewer as specially designated merchant; brewery hospitality room; sales or deliveries by wholesaler. |
Section 436.1608 | Distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages; prohibited conduct by manufacturers; violation; civil fine; financial records. |
Section 436.1609 | Aiding or assisting other vendor prohibited; exception; refunding amount of price reductions; providing licensee with advertising items; providing licensee with goods and services; approval by commission; sale of brand logoed items; possession and use of brand logoed barware; conditions for promotion of brand under R 436.1321(1) to (3); unauthorized providing or selling of barware; fine; on-premises brand promotional event; removal of merchandise; purchase and sale of brand logoed inventory by retailer holding off-premises license; adding or removing item by rule; definitions. |
Section 436.1609a | Filing by manufacturer or wholesaler; schedule of net cash prices; beer package price; sale of beer at quantity discount prohibited; disclosure of filing under subsections (1) and (2); comparison of filing under subsections (1) and (2) with tax filing; inapplicability to a brewpub; filing of prices; prohibition on quantity discounts; reasons for regulation. |
Section 436.1609b | Expenditure records for each call on retail licensee; drink purchase for promotional purposes; limitation. |
Section 436.1609c | Beer, wine, or mixed spirit drink; refund or replacement; reasons. |
Section 436.1609d | Specially designated distributor; refund to special licensee for unopened bottles. |
Section 436.1609e | Providing of brand logoed tent or trailer or temporary platform to special licensee. |
Section 436.1609f | Provision of technology to assist in sales, marketing, delivery, merchandising, or training; requirements. |
Section 436.1609g | Sale of nonalcoholic products to retailer; applicability of act. |
Section 436.1609h | Electronic rebate coupons. |
Section 436.1609i | Commercially reasonable effort requirements to meet demands. |
Section 436.1609j | Recall or removal of beer, wine, or mixed spirit drink products; notification requirements; destruction and reimbursement. |
Section 436.1610 | Advertising; use of unpaid social media; supplier's assistance; requirements; definitions. |
Section 436.1610a | Promotion of brands and prices of alcoholic liquor; signs; requirements. |
Section 436.1610b | Temporary bin display. |
Section 436.1610c | Certain equipment to special licensee; beer festival; limitations. |
Section 436.1610d | Cooperative advertising; exceptions; instant rebate coupons; limitations; "cooperative advertising" defined. |
Section 436.1611 | Refund or credit of tax paid on wine, mixed spirit drink, or beer; conditions; time limitation; form and contents of claim; supporting evidence; removal or destruction of damaged wine, beer, or mixed spirit drink; applicability of section; rebate of tax paid on wine or mixed spirit drink. |
58-1998-7 | CHAPTER 7 (436.1701...436.1707) |
Section 436.1701 | Selling or furnishing alcoholic liquor to minor; failure to make diligent inquiry; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; signs; consumption of alcoholic liquor as cause of death or injury; felony; enforcement against licensee; consent of parent or guardian in undercover operation; defense in action for violation; report; use of security identification device; definitions. |
Section 436.1703 | Purchase, consumption, or possession of alcoholic liquor by minor; attempt; violation; fines; sanctions; furnishing fraudulent identification to minor; use by minor; prior violation; screening and assessment; prior judgment; chemical breath analysis; notice to parent, custodian, or guardian; exceptions; recruitment of minor for undercover operation prohibited; affirmative defense; definitions. |
Section 436.1705 | Power of peace officer or law enforcement officer witnessing violation to stop and detain person; issuance of appearance ticket. |
Section 436.1707 | Selling, serving, or furnishing alcohol; prohibitions; application to wholesaler's minor employees. |
58-1998-8 | CHAPTER 8 (436.1801...436.1815) |
Section 436.1801 | Granting or renewing license; selling, furnishing, or giving alcoholic liquor to minor or to person visibly intoxicated; right of action for damage or personal injury; actual damages; institution of action; notice; survival of action; general reputation as evidence of relation; separate actions by parents; commencement of action against retail licensee; indemnification; defenses available to licensee; rebuttable presumption; prohibited causes of action; section as exclusive remedy for money damages against licensee; civil action subject to revised judicature act. |
Section 436.1803 | Retailer or applicant for retail license; proof of financial responsibility; naming insurer or surety as defendant prohibited; effect of bankruptcy; policies and bonds to be continued from year to year; cancellation of liquor liability insurance policy; revocation; section inapplicable to special licensee or applicant for special license; rules. |
Section 436.1805 | Suit to enforce liability when service of process not effected; affidavit; service upon commission in duplicate; return; copy served on defendant; hearing; duty of commission. |
Section 436.1807 | Insurer to file notice of termination or cancellation of contract or policy; effective date. |
Section 436.1809 | Payment of judgment and costs; time; failure or neglect to pay judgment and costs; punitive damages; action against insurer. |
Section 436.1811 | Insurance policy; coverage; conditions. |
Section 436.1813 | False statement or breach of authority; cancellation of insurance. |
Section 436.1815 | Adherence to responsible business practices as defense; compensation of employee on commission basis. |
58-1998-9 | CHAPTER 9 (436.1901...436.1925) |
Section 436.1901 | Compliance required; prohibited acts; violation; sanctions and penalties. |
Section 436.1903 | Suspension or revocation of license; violation of act or rules; penalty; disposition; administrative fine; hearing; procedure; fee; right of appeal; institution of criminal prosecutions; defense; rules; appointment of agents to hear violation cases; authority and responsibility; ineligibility of designated agent for appointment to commission. |
Section 436.1903a | Conviction or administrative disqualification of licensee; electronic transaction; sanctions; hearing and appeal procedures; definitions. |
Section 436.1903b | Payment by means dishonored by financial institution for lack of sufficient funds; violation of act. |
Section 436.1904 | Consumption or possession of alcoholic liquor on school property; prohibition; violation as misdemeanor; exceptions; other violations; application of section to minor; definitions. |
Section 436.1905 | Selling or furnishing alcoholic liquor to minor; enforcement actions prohibited; conditions; exception. |
Section 436.1906 | Definitions; server training program. |
Section 436.1907 | Revocation of license; forfeiture of privileges; seizure of alcoholic liquor. |
Section 436.1909 | Violation of act as misdemeanor or felony; penalties or sanctions; remedies; violation of MCL 436.1203; "person" defined; legislative intent. |
Section 436.1911 | Failure to pay tax; penalties; collection. |
Section 436.1913 | Prohibited conduct; unlicensed premises or place; unlawful consumption of alcoholic liquor; exceptions; construction of section; “consideration” defined. |
Section 436.1914 | Alcohol vapor device; use, possession, sale, or offer to sell prohibited; violation; rules. |
Section 436.1914a | Powdered alcohol; use, possession, sale, or offer for sale prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; exception; "powdered alcohol" defined. |
Section 436.1914b | Marihuana-infused beer, wine, mixed wine drink, mixed spirit drink, or spirits; use, possession, sale, or offer for sale prohibited; exception; definitions. |
Section 436.1915 | Possessing or consuming alcoholic liquor on public highway or in park, place of amusement, or publicly owned area; authority of local governmental unit or state department or agency to prohibit possession or consumption of alcoholic liquor; definitions. |
Section 436.1916 | Entertainment, dance, or topless activity permits; issuance; prohibited activity; exceptions; extended hours permit; permits issued under administrative rule; fees; definitions. |
Section 436.1917 | Liability of vendor. |
Section 436.1919 | Forging documents, labels, or stamps; prohibited conduct; penalty. |
Section 436.1921 | Sale or exchange of ceramic commemorative bottles. |
Section 436.1923 | Warehouse receipts for alcoholic liquor; authority of commission. |
Section 436.1925 | Construction of act; severability. |
58-1998-10 | CHAPTER 10 (436.2001...436.2031) |
Section 436.2001 | Armories, air bases, naval installations and state military reservation. |
Section 436.2003 | False or fraudulent statements. |
Section 436.2005 | Adulterated, misbranded, or refilled liquors. |
Section 436.2007 | Alcoholic liquor as contraband. |
Section 436.2009 | Delivery of seized alcoholic liquor; bankruptcy; payment. |
Section 436.2011 | Printed price list; posting. |
Section 436.2013 | Sale or purchase of alcoholic liquor for cash; exceptions. |
Section 436.2014 | Sale of unlimited quantity of alcoholic liquor at specific price; conditions; sale of 3 or more identical drinks containing alcoholic liquor for 1 price; prohibition; "private function" defined. |
Section 436.2015 | Awarding unopened alcoholic liquor pursuant to lawful fund raising activity. |
Section 436.2017 | Sterilization of glass; method and manner. |
Section 436.2019 | Sales in hotel rooms. |
Section 436.2021 | Selling or serving food; removal of liquor from premises; removal of partially consumed bottle of wine from premises; class A or B hotel; consumption of wine brought into premises by consumer. |
Section 436.2023 | Pinball machines. |
Section 436.2024 | Automatic teller machine; preventing access to cash benefits from Michigan bridge card; definitions. |
Section 436.2025 | Giving away alcoholic liquor prohibited; exception; sale to intoxicated individual prohibited; inadmissibility of breathalyzer or blood alcohol test results. |
Section 436.2027 | Samplings or tastings of alcoholic liquor; consumption on premises; holding of consumer sampling event; violation; rule or order; sampling for other than commercial purpose; written agreement; definitions. |
Section 436.2028 | Special license for spirits tasting; qualified organization; application; requirements; rebate on purchase of spirits; designated supervisor; definitions. |
Section 436.2029 | Packaging of nonalcoholic carbonated beverages with spirits. |
Section 436.2030 | Repealed. 2017, Act 166, Eff. Feb. 11, 2018. |
Section 436.2031 | "Wine auction license" defined; issuance of license; restrictions; payment of taxes; delivery, storage, warehousing, and delivery of wine; sale and resale of wine purchases at auction. |
58-1998-11 | CHAPTER 11 (436.2101...436.2115) |
Section 436.2101 | Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; resolution; petition; notice; submission of question to electors; ballot; canvass; effect of tie vote; use of section to nullify referendum vote prohibited. |
Section 436.2101a | Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 applicable to petitions; penalties. |
Section 436.2103 | Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; annexation of territory to city prohibiting sale; continuance of license; referendum. |
Section 436.2105 | Sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption on premises; referendum; license to serve spirits in addition to beer and wine for consumption on premises; application; approval; fee; referendum in certain townships. |
Section 436.2107 | Manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquor; county option; form of ballot; notice of prohibition. |
Section 436.2109 | Ordinance prohibiting retail sale of alcoholic liquor; adoption; duration; election; affirmance or revocation; prohibition. |
Section 436.2111 | Sunday sale of beer and wine during certain hours; circumstances for prohibiting. |
Section 436.2113 | Selling at retail, or buying spirits or mixed spirit drink on Sunday; sale of spirits or mixed spirit drink for consumption on or off premises on Sunday; resolution; petition; election; form of ballot; voting; violation as misdemeanor; exception; selling and buying alcoholic liquor from December 24 to 26; legislative bodies authorized to prohibit sale of alcoholic liquor on certain days; "motorsports entertainment complex" defined. |
Section 436.2114 | Selling, giving away, furnishing, or buying alcoholic liquor or spirits on any day; annual fee. |
Section 436.2115 | Sale of spirits or mixed spirit drink on Sunday; additional fee; disposition of revenue. |
58-1998-12 | CHAPTER 12 (436.2201...436.2207) |
Section 436.2201 | Imposition of tax; levy; collection; computations; deposit of proceeds; secondary road patrol and training fund; general fund; inventory. |
Section 436.2203 | Imposition of tax; levy; collection; computation; deposit of proceeds; state school aid fund. |
Section 436.2205 | Repealed. 2011, Act 166, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012. |
Section 436.2207 | Legislative findings and declarations; programs to promote tourism and convention business; acquisition of convention facilities; imposition of tax on spirits for consumption off premises; deposit of proceeds; convention facility development fund. |
58-1998-13 | CHAPTER 13 (436.2301...436.2303) |
Section 436.2301 | Repeal of acts and parts of acts. |
Section 436.2303 | Prior acts or rights; rules; predecessor commission; editorial changes; references to act. |