MCL - Index of Chapter 560

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 172 of 1929 Repealed-THE PLAT ACT OF 1929 (560.1 - 560.80)
Act 288 of 1967 LAND DIVISION ACT (560.101 - 560.293)
Section 560.101 Short title.
Section 560.102 Definitions.
Section 560.103 Subdivisions of land; surveys and plats, requirements.
Section 560.104 Replats; requirements; vacation of original plat.
Section 560.105 Preliminary or final plat; approval; conditions.
Section 560.106 Approving authorities; limitation on powers of approval or rejection.
Section 560.107 Preliminary plat; submission, discretion.
Section 560.108 Parent parcel or parent tract; number of parcels resulting from division; limitations; requirements.
Section 560.109 Approval or disapproval of proposed division; requirements; exemption from platting requirements; notice of transfer; form; sale of unplatted land; statement contained in deed; ordinance; approval not determination of compliance; effect of failure to comply.
Section 560.109a Parcel less than 1 acre.
Section 560.109b Parcels of 20 or more acres.
288-1967-PRELIMINARY-PLATS PRELIMINARY PLATS (560.111...560.120)
Section 560.111 Preliminary plat; specifications; requirements; preapplication review meeting.
Section 560.112 Preliminary plat; tentative approval; time period; extension.
Section 560.112a Preliminary plat; submission of copies to officer or agency; review and action; time period.
Section 560.113 Preliminary plat; county road commissioner's approval or rejection.
Section 560.114 Preliminary plat; county drain commissioner's approval or rejection.
Section 560.115 Preliminary plat; state transportation department's approval or rejection.
Section 560.116 Preliminary plat; department of environmental quality's approval or rejection.
Section 560.117 Preliminary plat; approval or rejection; fees; disposition of fees.
Section 560.118 Preliminary plat; health department's approval or rejection.
Section 560.119 Preliminary plat; submission to county plat board and public utilities.
Section 560.120 Final approval; proprietor's rights and duties; procedure; time period; extension.
288-1967-SURVEYS SURVEYS (560.125...560.126)
Section 560.125 Survey requirements; monuments.
Section 560.126 Survey accuracy.
288-1967-FINAL-PLATS FINAL PLATS (560.131...560.198)
Section 560.131 General survey requirements; date of expiration of approval.
Section 560.132 Plats; specifications.
Section 560.133 Final plat; caption.
Section 560.134 Final plat; description of land.
Section 560.135 Map and engineering requirements.
Section 560.136 Final plat; exterior boundaries; requirements, specifications.
Section 560.137 Final plat; public and private grounds, streets, roads and alleys.
Section 560.138 Final plat; flood plains.
Section 560.139 Public utilities; easements.
Section 560.140 Lots and outlots; description.
Section 560.141 Improvements.
Section 560.142 Certificate required for recording.
Section 560.143 Surveyor's certificate.
Section 560.144 Proprietor's certificate.
Section 560.145 County treasurer's certificate.
Section 560.146 County drain commissioner's certificate.
Section 560.147 County road commissioner's certificate.
Section 560.148 Municipality governing board's certificate.
Section 560.149 County plat board's certificate.
Section 560.150 State highway commission's certificate.
Section 560.151 Certificate signed by director of department of energy, labor, and economic growth; approval of plat.
Section 560.161 Approval; general requirements.
Section 560.162 Drain commissioner; number of copies.
Section 560.163 Drain commissioner; approval procedure.
Section 560.164 Board of county road commissioners; submission of plat.
Section 560.165 Board of county road commissioners; approval procedure.
Section 560.166 Municipality governing body; submission of plat.
Section 560.167 Municipality governing body; approval procedure.
Section 560.167a State transportation department; receipt of plat.
Section 560.168 Forwarding to county plat board; procedure of board.
Section 560.169 Forwarding approval and plat copies to state administrator.
Section 560.169a Repealed. 1993, Act 67, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998.
Section 560.170 Repealed. 2004, Act 525, Eff. July 1, 2005.
Section 560.171 Department of labor and economic growth; plat approval or rejection; recording.
Section 560.172 Register of deeds; recordings; notice to director of department of energy, labor, and economic growth.
Section 560.173 Director of department of energy, labor, and economic growth; procedure following notice of recording.
Section 560.181 Final plat; streets, alleys, roads and highways; general requirements.
Section 560.182 Final plat; streets, alleys, and roads; municipal requirements; deposit; rebate; rejection of plat; circumstances.
Section 560.183 Final plat; highways, streets, and alleys; private roads; county road commission requirements; “county road commission” defined.
Section 560.184 State highways; dedication; other highways and streets.
Section 560.186 Final plat; lots and outlots; waiver; applicability of subsection (3); maintaining recorded plat.
Section 560.188 Improvements.
Section 560.190 Public utility easements.
Section 560.192 Storm water drainage requirements as condition of final plat approval.
Section 560.192a Operation and maintenance of retention basins; annual appropriation; creation of special assessment district; establishment of boundaries; hearing on creation of district; duties of governing body creating district; hearing on objections to cost, roll, or spreading of assessment; manner and time assessments due, collected, and returned; notice of hearing; exclusion.
Section 560.194 Flood plains; prohibit occupancy; alterations.
Section 560.196 Subdivision names; consecutive numbering of additions.
Section 560.198 Correction of errors; surveyor's affidavit.
288-1967-ASSESSORS-PLATS ASSESSOR'S PLATS (560.201...560.213)
Section 560.201 Assessor's plat; compliance; conditions for ordering; resolution; report; estimated cost.
Section 560.201a Assessor's plat; additional conditions for ordering.
Section 560.201b Assessor's plat; additional conditions for ordering.
Section 560.202 Name and boundary description; plat made by surveyor.
Section 560.203 Assessor's plat; payment of costs and expenses; cost charged to land.
Section 560.204 Survey requirements; setting of monuments.
Section 560.205 Notice to proprietors.
Section 560.206 Reconciliation of boundaries within plat.
Section 560.207 Boundaries and numbering of lots within plat.
Section 560.208 Surveyor's certificate.
Section 560.209 Filing; county road commission approval; publication; action to correct plat.
Section 560.210 Local authorities approval; acknowledgment; review by director of energy, labor, and economic growth; recording.
Section 560.211 Recording; notification of local authorities; apportionment of taxes.
Section 560.212 References to plat descriptions; use; plats as evidence.
Section 560.213 Plat recorded after tax day; substitution of plat description; certification of acquisition of public lands.
288-1967-PLAT-CHANGES PLAT CHANGES (560.221...560.229)
Section 560.221 Vacation, correction, or revision of plat.
Section 560.222 Complaint; filing.
Section 560.222a Public utility easement as part of recorded plat; relinquishment by written agreement; parties; requirements.
Section 560.223 Complaint; contents.
Section 560.224 Repealed. 1978, Act 367, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1978.
Section 560.224a Joinder of parties defendant.
Section 560.225 Repealed. 1978, Act 367, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1978.
Section 560.226 Trial and hearing; order to vacate, correct, or revise recorded plat; exceptions; plat recording resulting in loss of public access to lake or stream; reservation of easement; operation and maintenance of property by state or local unit; effect of noncompliance with subsection (4); closure of road ending; proceedings.
Section 560.227 Repealed. 1978, Act 367, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1978.
Section 560.227a Vesting of title upon vacation of plat, street, or alley; legal description of abutting lot.
Section 560.228 Recording of judgment.
Section 560.229 Preparation and form of new plat; filing copies; caption; approval; distribution of copies; fees.
Section 560.241 Submission of final plat; filing and recording fee; state plat review fee; disposition of fee.
Section 560.241a Repealed. 1993, Act 67, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998.
Section 560.242 Director of department of energy, labor, and economic growth; records and indexing; fees.
Section 560.243 Register of deeds; maintaining permanent file; expense; fee.
Section 560.244 Proprietor's copy.
Section 560.245 Abstract of title or title policy; attorney's opinion in lieu of abstract.
Section 560.246 Governing body; fees.
Section 560.247 County plat board; compensation.
Section 560.248 County road commission; fees.
Section 560.249 Board of supervisors; fees.
Section 560.251 Recorded plats; evidence.
Section 560.252 Instruments affecting title; prohibit recording unless plat recorded.
Section 560.253 Dedication of plats; reservation of mineral rights.
Section 560.254 Restrictions; enforcement.
Section 560.255 Lot numbers use.
Section 560.255a Land revised, altered, or vacated by order of circuit court in county in which land situated.
Section 560.255b Presumption of acceptance of land dedicated to use of public; rebuttal.
Section 560.256 Opening, vacating, extending, widening, or changing name of street or alley; recording certified copy of ordinance or resolution; copy to director of energy, labor, and economic growth.
Section 560.257 Discontinuance of street, alley, or other public land; reservation of easement; recording resolution or ordinance; copy to director of energy, labor, and economic growth.
Section 560.258 Public lands; agreements for maintenance.
Section 560.259 Minimum standards.
288-1967-PENALTIES PENALTIES (560.261...560.293)
Section 560.261 Sale of land; written disclosures to buyer; voidability of sale.
Section 560.262 Monuments; removal or disturbance.
Section 560.263 Lots; further division; regulation.
Section 560.264 Sale of land; noncompliance with act; penalty.
Section 560.265 Enforcement of act; injunctive proceedings; venue.
Section 560.266 Enforcement of act; prosecution, venue.
Section 560.267 Sale of lands in violation of act; voidability of sale.
Section 560.290 Department of energy, labor, and economic growth; employee in charge of plat section; qualifications.
Section 560.291 Plats in process, approval.
Section 560.292 Plat recorded under former 1839 PA 91; conflict or inconsistency.
Section 560.293 Effective date.