Senate Bill 1148 as passed by the Senate

Sponsor: Sen. Mike Prusi

Senate Committee:  Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs

House Committee:  Conservation and Outdoor Recreation

First Analysis (12-1-04)

BRIEF SUMMARY: The bill would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to require the Department of Natural Resources to sell the $1 hunting and fishing licenses available to members of the military through DNR retail licensing agents.

FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact on the Game and Fish Protection Fund would depend on the number of active duty military personnel who apply for a hunting or fishing license.  The loss to the fund would be at the rate of $1 per applicant.  There would not be a significant fiscal impact on the fund.  There would be no fiscal impact on local governmental units.


The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act permits a member of the military to obtain a hunting or fishing license for $1 upon the presentation of documentation verifying that he or she is stationed outside of the state.  (This does not apply if the license is distributed by lottery.)  In FY 2002-2003, only 364 licenses were sold.  Up until October 1, 2004, these licenses could only be obtained from any of the nine Department of Natural Resources Operations Services Centers in Plainwell, Livonia, Bay City, Roscommon, Cadillac, Gaylord, Newberry, Marquette, and Baraga.  Since October 1, the DNR has made these licenses available at the more than 1,700 retail licensing agents selling licenses.  This change was prompted, in part, out of concern that many members on leave from the military would have to drive several hours to a DNR Operations Services Center, which, given the rather limited amount of available leave time, discouraged members from obtaining the license at all.  Legislation requiring the DNR to sell the military license through its retail licensing agents has been introduced. 


The bill would amend Part 435 (Hunting and Fishing Licensing) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to permit a member of the military to obtain a $1 hunting or fishing license from any DNR licensing agent.  The bill would also permit members of the Michigan National Guard called into federal activity duty to receive the $1 license. 

The act currently permits members of the military to obtain hunting or fishing licenses (if not distributed on the basis of a lottery) for $1 upon the presentation of leave papers, duty papers, military orders, or other acceptable evidence verifying that he or she is stationed outside of the state.  The license is valid for two weeks during the appropriate season. 

MCL 324.43536a


The House Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation reported the bill out as it passed the Senate. 



Although the DNR currently sells the discounted military license through its retail licensing agents, it has only done so since October, after the bill was introduced and passed the Senate.  While not absolutely necessary given the change in DNR policy, the bill further ensures that discounted military licenses are made available through the DNR's 1,700 retail licensing agents.  Further, the bill clarifies that members of the National Guard called into federal duty may also obtain a discounted license. 


The Department of Natural Resources supports the bill. (12-1-04)

                                                                                           Legislative Analyst:   Mark Wolf

                                                                                                  Fiscal Analyst:   Kirk Lindquist

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.