House Bill 4707
Sponsor: Rep. Joanne Voorhees
Committee: Transportation
Complete to 10-13-03
House Bill 4707 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to expand the individuals authorized to issue citations to violators who illegally park in the access aisle adjacent to a handicapped parking space.
Currently under the law, a law enforcement agency, or a local unit of government can establish a program that allows volunteers, rather than police officers, to issue citations as described in sections 742 and 743 of the vehicle code. [These sections concern the issuance, contents, and notice of citations.] The volunteers can issue citations for violating two provisions of the code: 1) when a violator parks in a parking space clearly identified by an official sign as being reserved for use by disabled people if the space is on public property, or on private property available for public use; and 2) when a violator parks in a place that blocks access to a space clearly designated as a fire lane. House Bill 4707 would retain both of these provisions and expand the program so that volunteers could also issue citations for violators who parked in a clearly identified access aisle or access lane that is immediately adjacent to a space designated for parking by people with disabilities.
Under the act, “law enforcement agency is defined to mean a police agency of a city, village, or township; a sheriff’s department; the Department of State Police; or any other governmental law enforcement agency in this state. “Local unit of government” means a state university or college, county, city, village, or township. These definitions would be retained under the bill.
MCL 257.675d
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.