Senate Bill 943 (as reported without amendment)
Senate Bill 944 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
Sponsor: Senator Wayne Kuipers
Committee: Education

Senate Bill 943 would amend the Revised School Code to require that public school instruction on HIV, AIDS, and sex education emphasize abstinence, respect for marriage, personal responsibility, adoption, and other content. The bill also would prescribe the membership, terms, and responsibilities of each district's "health education advisory board", including requirements that a parent chair the board, and that parents comprise a majority of the board members.

Senate Bill 944 (S-1) would amend the State School Aid Act to include instruction under Senate Bill 943 in provisions that require a district to forfeit 5% of its State aid if it fails to comply with requirements for sex education instruction. (A district must ensure that certain conditions are met when providing reproductive health or other sex education under particular sections of the Revised School Code or under any other provision of law.) Senate Bill 944 (S-1) also would provide for a complaint process for those who believed a district was not complying with sex education requirements under the Act or the Revised School Code (including Senate Bill 943). The Michigan Department of Education would have to establish a procedure for filing complaints that did not place an undue burden on the complainant, the district, or the Department. The bill is tie-barred to Senate Bill 943.

MCL 380.1169 et al. (S.B. 943) Legislative Analyst: Claire Layman 388.1766a (S.B. 944)

Senate Bill 943 would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Senate Bill 944 (S-1) could result in minor increased costs for the Department related to the assignment of departmental personnel to investigate complaints under the proposed public complaint procedure. The bill would have no fiscal impact on local government.

Date Completed: 3-9-04
Fiscal Analyst: Kathryn Summers-Coty

floor\sb943 & 944 (S-1) Analysis available @
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb943 & 944/0304