Senate Bill 1148 (as introduced 4-20-04)
Sponsor: Senator Mike Prusi
Committee: Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
Date Completed: 9-21-04
The bill would amend Part 435 (Hunting and Fishing Licensing) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to allow a member of the military to obtain a hunting or fishing license free of charge from a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) licensing agent.
Presently, a member of the military may obtain any license under Part 435 for which a lottery is not required for $1, upon presentation of leave papers, duty papers, military orders, or other evidence acceptable to the DNR verifying that he or she is stationed outside this State. The license is valid for a period of up to two weeks designated by the person, but only during the season in which the license otherwise would be valid. Under the bill, the documentation would have to be presented to a licensing agent, and the license would be free.
"Member of the military" means 1) a person who is a regularly enlisted or commissioned officer in the armed forces of the United States who, at the time of enlistment, was a resident of Michigan, or 2) a person who is a reserve component soldier, sailor, airman, or marine called to Federal active duty and was a resident of Michigan when he or she was called to active duty. In either case, the person must be stationed outside of this State and must have maintained his or her residence in this State for the purpose of obtaining a driver license and/or voter registration.
MCL 324.43536a
Presently, a member of the military must go to one of nine DNR Operations Service Centers in order to obtain a $1 license. According to a Department policy change, members of the military will be able to obtain $1 licenses from one of approximately 1,700 license vendors, beginning on October 1, 2004.
Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe
The bill would result in a slight reduction in revenue to the Game and Fish Protection Fund. In FY 2002-03, 364 hunting and fishing licenses were sold at the $1 rate for members of the military. The State would forego annual license revenue of about $350 under this bill.
The DNR estimates that the State receives $8.25 for each license sold for $1 or more. Providing members of the military with hunting and fishing licenses free of cost could result in the loss of approximately $3,000 in Federal funding. Total revenue lost would be approximately $3,350 annually.
Fiscal Analyst: Jessica Runnels
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb1148/0304