SB-1149, As Passed House, November 9, 2004                                  












                           HOUSE SUBSTITUTE FOR                                 


                           SENATE BILL NO. 1149                                 










                                                                                 A bill to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the                      


    branches of the United States armed forces; and to prescribe the            


    duties of certain state agencies and officials.                             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the                    


2   "armed forces commemoration act".                                           


3       Sec. 2.  In recognition of the men and women who served in                  


4   the United States armed forces, specifically the United States              


5   army, the United States navy, the United States marines, the                


6   United States air force, and the United States coast guard, the             


7   dates of founding of each branch shall be commemorated.  The                


8   commemoration dates shall include all of the following:                     


9       (a) The United States army is commemorated on June 14.                      


10      (b) The United States coast guard is commemorated on August                 


11  14.                                                                         



1       (c) The United States air force is commemorated on September                


2   18.                                                                         


3       (d) The United States navy is commemorated on October 13.                   


4       (e) The United States marine corps is commemorated on                       


5   November 10.                                                                


6       Sec. 3.  The flags of each branch shall be flown over the                   


7   state capitol building in Lansing annually on the commemoration             


8   date for each branch identified in section 2.