SB-1149, As Passed Senate, November 4, 2004
















April 20, 2004, Introduced by Senators GARCIA, CROPSEY, BIRKHOLZ, KUIPERS, BROWN, McMANUS, STAMAS, TOY, SANBORN, HARDIMAN, SCHAUER, GOSCHKA, BISHOP, SWITALSKI, CHERRY, EMERSON, PRUSI, THOMAS and GEORGE and referred to the Committee on Senior Citizens and Veterans Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the                      


    branches of the United States armed forces; and to prescribe the            


    duties of certain state agencies and officials.                             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the                    


2   "armed forces commemoration act".                                           


3       Sec. 2.  In recognition of the men and women who served in                  


4   the United States armed forces, specifically the Unites States              


5   army, the United States navy, the United States marines, the                


6   United States air force, and the United States coast guard, the             


7   dates of founding of each branch shall be commemorated.  The                


8   commemoration dates shall include all of the following:                     


9       (a) The United States army is commemorated on June 14.                      


10      (b) The United States coast guard is commemorated on August                 


11  14.                                                                         



1       (c) The United States air force is commemorated on September                


2   18.                                                                         


3       (d) The United States navy is commemorated on October 13.                   


4       (e) The United States marine corps is commemorated on                       


5   November 10.                                                                


6       Sec. 3.  The flags of each branch shall be flown over the                   


7   state capitol building in Lansing on the date of founding for               


8   each branch identified in section 2.