January 23, 2003, Introduced by Senators GEORGE, BIRKHOLZ, Van WOERKOM,


     and SCHAUER and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled                                             


    "Public health code,"                                                       


    (MCL 333.1101 to 333.25211) by adding sections 2862 and 2882a.              


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 2862.  (1) In addition to the original marriage license                


2   certificate filed with the state registrar under section 2861,              


3   the state registrar shall issue, upon request and payment of a              


4   fee established by rule, an heirloom marriage certificate                   


5   representing the marriage of the individuals named on the                   


6   original marriage license certificate.  The state registrar may             


7   establish procedures for the administration of an heirloom                  


8   marriage certificate.                                                       


9       (2) The department shall promulgate rules that establish the                


10  amount of the fee for each separate design of an heirloom                   


11  certificate of marriage.  The department shall establish each fee           



1   in an amount that is more than the estimated actual cost to the             


2   department for a similar design, not to exceed the estimated fair           


3   market value of a comparable artistic rendition.  The fee                   


4   required under this subsection is in addition to the fees                   


5   established under section 2891 for a copy of an original marriage           


6   license certificate.  The state registrar shall transmit that               


7   portion of the fee that exceeds the actual cost of preparing and            


8   administering an heirloom marriage certificate to the state                 


9   treasurer for deposit in the genealogy projects fund established            


10  in subsection (6).                                                          


11      (3) The department of history, arts, and libraries shall                    


12  design each heirloom marriage certificate available for issue               


13  under subsection (1).  An heirloom marriage certificate must be             


14  in a form consistent with the form and content prescribed by the            


15  department under section 2811 to protect the integrity of vital             


16  records and must be suitable for display.  It may bear the seal             


17  of the state and may be signed by the governor.                             


18      (4) The department of history, arts, and libraries is                       


19  responsible for the marketing and promotion of an heirloom                  


20  marriage certificate.                                                       


21      (5) An heirloom marriage certificate issued under subsection                


22  (1) has the same status as evidence as an original marriage                 


23  license certificate.                                                        


24      (6) The genealogy projects fund is established in the state                 


25  treasury.  The money in the genealogy fund shall be spent only as           


26  provided in subsection (9).                                                 


27      (7) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the                  



1   genealogy projects fund and shall credit interest and earnings              


2   from the investment to the fund.  The genealogy projects fund may           


3   receive gifts and devises and other money as provided by law.               


4       (8) The unencumbered balance in the genealogy projects fund                 


5   at the close of the fiscal year shall remain in the genealogy               


6   projects fund and shall not revert to the general fund.                     


7       (9) The department of history, arts, and libraries shall use                


8   the money in the genealogy projects fund only for department of             


9   history, arts, and libraries programs related to genealogy.                 


10      Sec. 2882a.  (1) In addition to the birth record copies and                 


11  certificates issued under section 2882, the state registrar shall           


12  issue, upon request and payment of a fee established by rule, an            


13  heirloom birth certificate representing the birth of the                    


14  individual named on the original birth record or certificate.               


15  The state registrar may establish procedures for the                        


16  administration of an heirloom birth certificate.                            


17      (2) The department shall promulgate rules that establish the                


18  amount of the fee for each separate design of an heirloom                   


19  certificate of birth.  The department shall establish each fee in           


20  an amount that is more than the estimated actual cost to the                


21  department for a similar design, not to exceed the estimated fair           


22  market value of a comparable artistic rendition.  The fee                   


23  required under this subsection is in addition to the fees                   


24  established under section 2891 for a copy of an original birth              


25  certificate.  The state registrar shall transmit that portion of            


26  the fee that exceeds the actual cost of preparing and                       


27  administering an heirloom birth certificate to the state                    



1   treasurer for deposit in the genealogy projects fund established            


2   in section 2862.                                                            


3       (3) The department of history, arts, and libraries shall                    


4   design each heirloom birth certificate available for issue under            


5   subsection (1).  An heirloom birth certificate must be in a form            


6   consistent with the form and content prescribed by the department           


7   under section 2811 to protect the integrity of vital records and            


8   must be suitable for display.  It may bear the seal of the state            


9   and may be signed by the governor.                                          


10      (4) The department of history, arts, and libraries is                       


11  responsible for the marketing and promotion of an heirloom birth            


12  certificate.                                                                


13      (5) An heirloom birth certificate issued under subsection (1)               


14  has the same status as evidence as an original birth certificate.