January 29, 2003, Introduced by Senators GARCIA, PATTERSON, McMANUS, KUIPERS,
and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
(MCL 257.1 to 257.923) by adding sections 217i and 217j.
1 Sec. 217i. (1) The secretary of state shall develop under
2 section 811e and, upon application, may issue under section 811f
3 a state-sponsored choose life fund-raising registration plate and
4 a matching state-sponsored choose life fund-raising collector
5 plate as provided under section 811g. The plate shall have the
6 words "choose life" on the plate and be of a design determined by
7 the secretary of state.
8 (2) State-sponsored choose life fund-raising registration
9 plate service fees collected under this section by the secretary
10 of state shall be identified and segregated by the secretary of
11 state into a separate account. The secretary of state shall on a
1 quarterly basis transfer the balance of the state-sponsored
2 choose life fund-raising registration plate service fees to the
3 state treasurer, who shall do both of the following:
4 (a) Credit $20.00 of the donation received under section 811f
5 to the choose life fund created in section 217j.
6 (b) Credit $5.00 of the donation received under section 811f
7 to the general fund.
8 Sec. 217j. (1) The choose life fund is created within the
9 state treasury.
10 (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets
11 from any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer
12 shall direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer
13 shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund
14 investments.
15 (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall
16 remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
17 (4) The state treasurer shall disburse money in the fund on a
18 semiannual basis to each county in proportion to the amount of
19 donations received from issuing choose life registration plates
20 in each county.
21 (5) As used in this section, "fund" means the choose life
22 fund created in subsection (1).
23 (6) Each county shall distribute the money received from the
24 secretary of state under this section only to a nongovernmental
25 not-for-profit agency or organization that provides services and
26 counseling to women who have unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.
27 Money shall not be distributed to an agency that is involved or
1 associated with referrals to abortion clinics or providing
2 abortion procedures.
3 (7) An agency receiving money under subsection (6) shall not
4 charge a fee for the services or counseling provided.
5 (8) An agency receiving money under this section shall
6 provide an annual accounting of the use of the money to the
7 county.