February 6, 2003, Introduced by Senators CLARK-COLEMAN, SCHAUER, CLARKE, BARCIA, SCOTT, CHERRY, JACOBS, LELAND and EMERSON and referred to the Committee on Education.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "The revised school code,"                                                  


    (MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1282b.                            


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 1282b.  (1) The board of a school district or local act                


2   school district or board of directors of a public school academy            


3   shall develop and adopt standards for promotion of pupils to the            


4   next grade level.  These standards shall include at least                   


5   standards concerning all of the following:                                  


6       (a) Exit skills expected for each grade level.                              


7       (b) Attendance requirements.                                                


8       (c) Other specific, demonstrated, identified competencies for               


9   each grade level.                                                           


10      (d) How and when a pupil's performance will be assessed.                    


11      (2) The board of a school district or local act school                      



1   district or board of directors of a public school academy shall             


2   adopt and implement a pupil promotion policy as provided in this            


3   subsection.  The policy shall provide that a pupil shall not be             


4   promoted to the next grade level at the end of a school year if             


5   the pupil has not met the locally adopted standards for pupil               


6   promotion adopted under subsection (1).  Not later than the                 


7   2006-2007 school year, the board shall implement the pupil                  


8   promotion policy required under this subsection at least for                


9   pupils in grades K-3.  The board shall implement the policy for             


10  pupils in at least 1 additional grade level each school year                


11  thereafter until the policy has been implemented for pupils in              


12  every grade level.  In addition, the pupil promotion policy                 


13  required under this subsection shall include at least all of the            


14  following:                                                                  


15      (a) A process through which a pupil's parents or legal                      


16  guardian will be notified if the child is not performing at grade           


17  level, as assessed in accordance with the standards under                   


18  subsection (1)(d).                                                          


19      (b) A process for developing an education plan to assist a                  


20  pupil who is at risk of not being promoted, as determined by                


21  assessment in accordance with the standards under subsection                


22  (1)(d), to achieve the necessary grade level skills and                     


23  competencies.                                                               


24      (3) The board of a school district or local act school                      


25  district or board of directors of a public school academy shall             


26  ensure that the standards adopted under subsection (1) and the              


27  policy adopted under subsection (2) are distributed to the                  


1   parents of pupils enrolled in the school district or public                 


2   school academy and are made available to members of the                     


3   community.                                                                  


4       (4) This section does not limit any rights a pupil has under                


5   state or federal special education law.