March 4, 2003, Introduced by Senators SCHAUER, BRATER, CHERRY, EMERSON and BERNERO and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    by amending section 3112 (MCL 324.3112) and by adding section               




                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 3112.  (1) A person shall not discharge any waste or                   


2   waste effluent into the waters of this state unless the person is           


3   in possession of a valid permit from the department.   Compliance           


4   with the terms of an outstanding order of determination or final            


5   order of determination or stipulation with the former water                 


6   resources commission that is in effect on April 15, 1973, shall             


7   be considered to meet the requirements of this section until the            


8   department issues its permit.                                               


9       (2) The department shall condition the continued validity of                


10  a permit upon  the  both of the following:                                  



1       (a) The permittee's meeting the effluent requirements that                  


2   the department considers necessary to prevent unlawful pollution            


3   by the dates that the department considers to be reasonable and             


4   necessary and to assure compliance with applicable federal law              


5   and regulations.                                                            


6       (b) Payment of the annual wastewater discharge environmental                


7   fee provided for in section 3113b.                                          


8       (3) If the department finds that the terms of a permit have                 


9   been, are being, or may be violated, it may modify, suspend, or             


10  revoke the permit or grant the permittee a reasonable period of             


11  time in which to comply with the permit.  The department may                


12  reissue a revoked permit upon a showing satisfactory to the                 


13  department that the permittee has corrected the violation.  A               


14  person who has had a permit revoked may apply for a new permit.             


15      (4)  (2)  If the department determines that a person is                     


16  causing or is about to cause unlawful pollution of the waters of            


17  this state, the department may notify the alleged offender of its           


18  determination and enter an order requiring the person to abate              


19  the pollution or refer the matter to the attorney general for               


20  legal action, or both.                                                      


21      (5)  (3)  A person who is aggrieved by an order of abatement                


22  of the department or by the reissuance, modification, suspension,           


23  or revocation of an existing permit of the department executed              


24  pursuant to this section may file a sworn petition with the                 


25  commission setting forth the grounds and reasons for the                    


26  complaint and asking for a contested case hearing on the matter             


27  pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969,  Act                 


1   No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to                


2   24.328 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to            


3   24.328.  A petition filed more than 60 days after action on the             


4   order or permit may be rejected by the commission as being                  


5   untimely.                                                                   


6       Sec. 3113b.  (1) There is established an annual wastewater                  


7   discharge environmental fee.  The fee shall be paid by each                 


8   person required to obtain a permit under section 3113.  The fee             


9   shall consist of an administrative fee of $100.00 plus an                   


10  additional fee established by the department under this section.            


11      (2) The department shall establish, by rule, a fee schedule                 


12  to calculate the annual wastewater discharge environmental fee              


13  under subsection (1).  The fee schedule shall be established                


14  based on the pollutants included in the permit under section                


15  3113, the environmental or public health harm caused by the                 


16  pollutants discharged, the concentration or quantity, or both, of           


17  the pollutants discharged, and the quality of the receiving                 


18  waters.                                                                     


19      (3) In establishing the fee schedule under subsection (2),                  


20  the department shall distinguish among substances discharged                


21  directly to surface waters, those discharged into land disposal             


22  systems, and those discharged into groundwater, based on their              


23  relative impacts on the quality of groundwaters and surface                 


24  waters.                                                                     


25      (4) In determining the amount of the annual wastewater                      


26  discharge environmental fee that is assessed to a person under              


27  this section, the department shall do all of the following:                 


1       (a) Use a 5-year rolling average of discharges by that                      


2   person.                                                                     


3       (b) Use a performance-based approach that increases a                       


4   person's fees in proportion to increases in the number of units             


5   of pollutants discharged by the person as determined under                  


6   subdivision (a) and decreases a person's fees in proportion to              


7   decreases in the number of units of pollutants discharged by the            


8   person as determined under subdivision (a).                                 


9       (c) Not use any multiplier or similar mechanism that would                  


10  increase a person's fees in order to compensate for decreases in            


11  overall amounts of discharges.                                              


12      (d) Not use any provision that would increase the fee per                   


13  unit of pollutant discharged in order to compensate for decreases           


14  in overall amounts of discharges.