March 20, 2003, Introduced by Senators CROPSEY, BARCIA, LELAND, PATTERSON, PRUSI, STAMAS, JELINEK, McMANUS and SCHAUER and referred to the Committee on Transportation.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled                                             


    "Michigan vehicle code,"                                                    


    by amending section 658 (MCL 257.658), as amended by 2002                   


    PA 494.                                                                     


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 658.  (1) A person propelling a bicycle or operating a                 


2   motorcycle or moped shall not ride other than upon and astride a            


3   permanent and regular seat attached to that vehicle.                        


4       (2) A bicycle or motorcycle shall not be used to carry more                 


5   persons at 1 time than the number for which it is designed and              


6   equipped.                                                                   


7       (3) A moped or an electric personal assistive mobility device               


8   shall not be used to carry more than 1 person at a time.                    


9       (4) A person operating or riding on a motorcycle, and any                   


10  person less than 19 years of age operating a moped on a public              



1   thoroughfare shall wear a crash helmet on his or her head.  Crash           


2   helmets shall be approved by the department of state police.  The           


3   department of state police shall promulgate rules for the                   


4   implementation of this section pursuant to the administrative               


5   procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.  Rules           


6   in effect on June 1, 1970, shall apply to helmets required by               


7   this act.   This subsection does not apply to a person operating            


8   or riding in an autocycle if the vehicle is equipped with a roof            


9   which meets or exceeds standards for a crash helmet.                        


10      (5) Subsection (4) does not apply to any of the following:                  


11      (a) A person 21 years of age or older who has been licensed                 


12  under this act to operate a motorcycle for not less than 2 years            


13  or who has successfully completed a motorcycle safety course as             


14  provided in section 811a or 811b.                                           


15      (b) The passenger on a motorcycle operated by a person                      


16  described in subdivision (a) if the passenger is 21 years of age            


17  or older.                                                                   


18      (c) A person operating or riding in an autocycle if the                     


19  vehicle is equipped with a roof that meets or exceeds standards             


20  for a crash helmet.                                                         


21      (6)  (5)  A person operating or riding in an autocycle shall                


22  wear seat belts when on a public highway in this state.