March 27, 2003, Introduced by Senators BRATER, JACOBS, SCOTT, EMERSON and LELAND and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    by amending section 3902 (MCL 324.3902).                                    


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 3902.  (1)  A  Except as provided in subsection (2) or                 


2   otherwise provided by rule, a person shall not sell, offer for              


3   sale, or distribute for sale or use in this state a cleaning                


4   agent that contains phosphorus in any form in excess of 8.7% by             


5   weight expressed as elemental phosphorus.                                   


6       (2) A person shall not sell, offer for sale, or distribute                  


7   for sale or use in this state either of the following cleaning              


8   agents if they contain phosphorus in any form in excess of 0.5%             


9   by weight expressed as elemental phosphorus:                                


10      (a) A cleaning agent intended for use in household                          


11  dishwashers.                                                                



1       (b) A cleaning agent that is intended for use as a laundry                  


2   booster for household washing machines.