April 24, 2003, Introduced by Senator EMERSON and referred to the Committee on Finance.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1967 PA 281, entitled                                             


    "Income tax act of 1967,"                                                   


    by amending section 355 (MCL 206.355), as amended by 1991 PA 82.            


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 355.  (1) All provisions relating to the                               


2   administration, collection, and enforcement of this act apply to            


3   the employer, flow-through entity, casino licensee, or race                 


4   meeting licensee or track licensee required to withhold taxes and           


5   to the taxes required to be withheld.  If the  commissioner                 


6   department has reasonable grounds to believe that an employer,              


7   flow-through entity, casino licensee, or race meeting licensee or           


8   track licensee will not pay taxes withheld to the state as                  


9   prescribed by this act, or to provide a more efficient                      


10  administration, the  commissioner  department may require the               


11  employer, flow-through entity, casino licensee, or race meeting             



1   licensee or track licensee to make the return and pay to the                


2   department the tax deducted and withheld at other than monthly              


3   periods, or from time to time, or require the employer,                     


4   flow-through entity, casino licensee, or race meeting licensee or           


5   track licensee to deposit the tax in a bank approved by the                 


6   commissioner  department in a separate account, in trust for the           


7   department and payable to the department, and to keep the amount            


8   of the taxes in the account until payment over to the                       


9   department.                                                                 


10      (2) As used in this section:                                                


11      (a) "Casino" means that term as defined in section 110.                     


12      (b) "Casino licensee" means a person licensed to operate a                  


13  casino under the Michigan gaming control and revenue act, the               


14  Initiated Law of 1996, MCL 432.201 to 432.226.                              


15      (c) "Race meeting licensee" and "track licensee" mean a                     


16  person to whom a race meeting license or track license is issued            


17  pursuant to section 8 of the horse racing law of 1995, 1995 PA              


18  279, MCL 431.308.                                                           


19      Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act takes effect                       


20  October 1, 2003.                                                            


21      Enacting section 2.  This amendatory act does not take                      


22  effect unless Senate Bill No. 404                                           


23                         of the 92nd Legislature is enacted into              


24  law.