September 16, 2003, Introduced by Senators BROWN, GARCIA, ALLEN, CROPSEY, SANBORN, PRUSI, GOSCHKA and BIRKHOLZ and referred to the Committee on Finance.
A bill to amend 1933 PA 167, entitled
"General sales tax act,"
(MCL 205.51 to 205.78) by adding section 4bb.
1 Sec. 4bb. (1) A person subject to the tax under this act
2 may exclude from the gross proceeds used for the computation of
3 the tax the sale of the following products if that product has
4 been awarded the energy star certification mark:
5 (a) Clothes washers.
6 (b) Refrigerators.
7 (c) Room air conditioners.
8 (d) Lighting fixtures.
9 (e) Compact fluorescent lightbulbs.
10 (f) Ceiling fans.
11 (g) Torchiere lamps.
1 (2) As used in this section, "energy star certification
2 mark" means a registered mark owned by the United States
3 government and awarded to products that meet or exceed the
4 applicable energy star specifications developed by the United
5 States environmental protection agency and the United States
6 department of energy.