September 23, 2003, Introduced by Senators BRATER, PATTERSON, BASHAM, SCHAUER, SCOTT and EMERSON and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding sections 11532a, 11532b, and           




                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 11532a.  (1) A solid waste disposal surcharge of $3.00                 


2   is assessed for each ton of municipal and commercially generated            


3   solid waste that is disposed of in a landfill.                              


4       (2) The owner or operator of a landfill shall forward solid                 


5   waste disposal surcharges under this section to the state                   


6   treasurer for deposit into the waste diversion fund created in              


7   section 11532b.                                                             


8       (3) As used in this section, "municipal and commercially                    


9   generated solid waste" means solid waste generated by residents             


10  and by businesses but does not include any of the following:                



1       (a) Construction and demolition waste or debris.                            


2       (b) Industrial waste.                                                       


3       (c) Sludge.                                                                 


4       (d) Ash.                                                                    


5       (e) Manufacturing process waste.                                            


6       Sec. 11532b.  (1) The waste diversion fund is created within                


7   the state treasury.                                                         


8       (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets                   


9   from any source for deposit into the waste diversion fund.  The             


10  state treasurer shall direct the investment of the waste                    


11  diversion fund.  The state treasurer shall credit to the waste              


12  diversion fund interest and earnings from fund investments.                 


13      (3) Money in the waste diversion fund at the close of the                   


14  fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the             


15  general fund.                                                               


16      (4) The department, upon appropriation, shall annually expend               


17  money in the waste diversion fund as follows:                               


18      (a) Ninety percent for recycling formula grants to counties                 


19  for new programs or enhancements to existing programs that                  


20  increase recycling participation.  Money that is allocated under            


21  this subdivision shall be distributed as follows:                           


22                                                                               (i) Fifty percent of the money shall be distributed in equal                        


23  amounts to each of the counties in the state.                               


24      (ii) Fifty percent of the money shall be distributed to                      


25  counties based on the population of the counties.                           


26      (b) Ten percent for the department to conduct inspections of                


27  landfills in the state to determine compliance with this part.              


1       (5) The department shall provide for the distribution of                    


2   grants under subsection (4).                                                


3       Sec. 11532c.  (1) The department and the department of                      


4   management and budget shall jointly establish a recycled products           


5   procurement advisory committee.  The committee shall consist of             


6   members from business and industry, members from environmental              


7   organizations, and members from the department and the department           


8   of management and budget.                                                   


9       (2) The advisory committee established under subsection (1)                 


10  shall review the state's procurement policies for recycled                  


11  products and materials.  The committee shall identify whether               


12  state procurement policies prevent or discourage the procurement            


13  of recycled products and materials.  The committee shall submit a           


14  report to the legislature and the governor on its review and                


15  shall make recommendations on changes in procurement policies               


16  that would encourage the use of recycled products and materials             


17  by the state.