November 4, 2003, Introduced by Senator ALLEN and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1995 PA 24, entitled                                              


    "Michigan economic growth authority act,"                                   


    by amending sections 4, 5, 6, and 10 (MCL 207.804, 207.805,                 


    207.806, and 207.810), section 6 as amended by 2000 PA 144.                 


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 4.  (1) The Michigan economic growth authority is                      


2   created within the  Michigan jobs commission  department of labor           


3   and economic growth.  The  Michigan jobs commission  department             


4   of labor and economic growth shall provide staff for the                    


5   authority and shall carry out the administrative duties and                 


6   functions as directed by the authority.  The budgeting,                     


7   procurement, and related functions as directed by the authority             


8   are under the supervision of the director of the  Michigan jobs             


9   commission  department of labor and economic growth.                        


10      (2) The authority consists of the following  8  10 members:                 



1       (a) The director of the  Michigan jobs commission  department               


2   of labor and economic growth, or his or her designee, as                    


3   chairperson of the authority.                                               


4       (b) The state treasurer or his or her designee.                             


5       (c) The director of the department of management and budget,                


6   or his or her designee.                                                     


7       (d) The director of the state transportation department, or                 


8   his or her designee.                                                        


9       (e)  Four  Six other members appointed by the governor by and               


10  with the advice and consent of the senate who are not employed by           


11  this state and who have knowledge, skill, and experience in the             


12  academic, business, local government, labor, or financial                   


13  fields.  Of the members appointed by the governor under this                


14  subsection, 1 shall be appointed from 1 more nominees of the                


15  majority leader of the senate and 1 shall be appointed from 1 or            


16  more nominees of the speaker of the house of representatives.               


17      (3) A member shall be appointed for a term of 4 years, except               


18  that of the members first appointed by the governor, 2 shall be             


19  appointed for a term of 2 years and 2 for a term of 4 years from            


20  the dates of their appointments.  A vacancy shall be filled for             


21  the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner as an                  


22  original appointment by the governor by and with the advice and             


23  consent of the senate.                                                      


24      (4) Except as otherwise provided by law, a member of the                    


25  authority shall not receive compensation for services, but the              


26  authority may reimburse each member for expenses necessarily                


27  incurred in the performance of his or her duties.                           


1       Sec. 5.  (1) The powers of the authority are vested in the                  


2   authority members in office.  Regardless of the existence of a              


3   vacancy, a majority of the members of the authority constitutes a           


4   quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting or            


5   the exercise of a power or function of the authority, as long as            


6   1 or both of the members nominated by the majority leader of the            


7   senate or nominated by the speaker of the house of                          


8   representatives are part of the majority.  Action may be taken by           


9   the authority at a meeting upon a vote of the majority of the               


10  members present, as long as 1 or both of the members nominated by           


11  the majority leader of the senate or nominated by the speaker of            


12  the house of representatives are part of the majority.                      


13      (2) The authority shall meet at the call of the chairperson                 


14  or as may be provided by the authority.  Meetings of the                    


15  authority may be held anywhere within this state.                           


16      (3) The business of the authority shall be conducted at a                   


17  public meeting of the authority held in compliance with the open            


18  meetings act,  Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being                


19  sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1976 PA            


20  267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.  Public notice of the time, date, and            


21  place of the meeting shall be given as provided by  Act No. 267             


22  of the Public Acts of 1976  the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267,             


23  MCL 15.261 to 15.275.  A record or portion of a record, material,           


24  or other data received, prepared, used, or retained by the                  


25  authority in connection with an application for a tax credit                


26  under section 9 that relates to financial or proprietary                    


27  information submitted by the applicant that is considered by the            


1   applicant and acknowledged by the authority as confidential shall           


2   not be subject to the disclosure requirements of the freedom of             


3   information act,  Act No. 442 of the Public Acts of 1976, being             


4   sections 15.231 to 15.246 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1976 PA            


5   442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.  The  chairperson of the  authority              


6   shall make the determination as to whether the authority                    


7   acknowledges as confidential any financial or proprietary                   


8   information submitted by the applicant and considered by the                


9   applicant as confidential.  Unless considered proprietary                   


10  information, the authority shall not acknowledge routine                    


11  financial information as confidential.  If the  chairperson of              


12  the  authority determines that information submitted to the                 


13  authority is financial or proprietary information and is                    


14  confidential, the  chairperson  authority shall release a written           


15  statement, subject to disclosure under  Act No. 440 of the Public           


16  Acts of 1976  the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL              


17  15.231 to 15.246, which states all of the following:                        


18      (a) The name and business location of the person requesting                 


19  that the information submitted be confidential as financial or              


20  proprietary information.                                                    


21      (b) That the information submitted was determined by the                    


22  chairperson of the  authority to be confidential as financial or           


23  proprietary information.                                                    


24      (c) A broad nonspecific overview of the financial or                        


25  proprietary information determined to be confidential.                      


26      (4) The authority shall not disclose financial or proprietary               


27  information not subject to disclosure pursuant to subsection (3)            


1   without consent of the applicant submitting the information.                


2       (5) As used in this section, "financial or proprietary                      


3   information" means information that has not been publicly                   


4   disseminated or is unavailable from other sources, the release of           


5   which might cause the applicant significant competitive harm.               


6   Financial or proprietary information does not include a written             


7   agreement under this act.                                                   


8       Sec. 6.  (1) The authority shall have powers necessary or                   


9   convenient to carry out and effectuate the purpose of this act,             


10  including, but not limited to, the following:                               


11      (a) To authorize eligible businesses to receive tax credits                 


12  to foster job creation in this state.                                       


13      (b) To determine which businesses qualify for tax credits                   


14  under this act.                                                             


15      (c) To determine the amount and duration of tax credits                     


16  authorized under this act.                                                  


17      (d) To issue certificates and enter into written agreements                 


18  specifying the conditions under which tax credits are authorized            


19  and the circumstances under which those tax credits may be                  


20  reduced or terminated.                                                      


21      (e) To charge and collect reasonable administrative fees.                   


22      (f) To delegate to the chairperson of the authority, staff,                 


23  or others the functions and powers it considers necessary and               


24  appropriate to administer the programs under this act.                      


25      (g) To promulgate rules pursuant to the administrative                      


26  procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328,                  


27  necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.                            


1       (g)  (h)  To assist an eligible business to obtain the                      


2   benefits of a tax credit, incentive, or inducement program                  


3   provided by this act or by law.                                             


4       (h)  (i)  To determine the eligibility of and issue                         


5   certificates to certain qualified taxpayers for credits allowed             


6   under section 38g(3) of the single business tax act, 1975 PA 228,           


7   MCL 208.38g, and to develop the application process and necessary           


8   forms to claim the credit under section 38g(3) of the single                


9   business tax act, 1975 PA 228, MCL 208.38g.  The Michigan                   


10  economic growth authority annually shall prepare and submit to              


11  the house of representatives and senate committees responsible              


12  for tax policy and economic development issues a report on the              


13  credits under section 38g(3) of the single business tax act, 1975           


14  PA 228, MCL 208.38g.  The report shall include, but is not                  


15  limited to, all of the following:                                           


16                                                                               (i) A listing of the projects under section 38g(3) of the                           


17  single business tax act, 1975 PA 228, MCL 208.38g, that were                


18  approved in the previous calendar year.                                     


19      (ii) The total amount of eligible investment approved under                  


20  section 38g(3) of the single business tax act, 1975 PA 228, MCL             


21  208.38g, in the previous calendar year.                                     


22      (i)  (j)  To approve the capture of school operating taxes                  


23  and work plans as provided in sections 13 and 15 of the                     


24  brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL 125.2663           


25  and 125.2665.                                                               


26      (j)  (k)  To approve relocation of public buildings or                      


27  operations for economic development purposes under the brownfield           


1   redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL 125.2651 to                   


2   125.2672.                                                                   


3       (2) In addition to the requirements in section 8, an eligible               


4   business that becomes an authorized business shall make a                   


5   good-faith effort to utilize Michigan-based suppliers and vendors           


6   when purchasing goods and services.                                         


7       Sec. 10.  The authority shall report to both houses of the                  


8   legislature yearly on October 1 on the activities of the                    


9   authority.  The report shall include, but is not limited to, all            


10  of the following:                                                           


11      (a) The total amount of capital investment attracted under                  


12  this act.                                                                   


13      (b) The total number of qualified new jobs created under                    


14  this act.                                                                   


15      (c) The total number of new written agreements.                             


16      (d) Name and location of all authorized businesses  .  and                  


17  the names and addresses of all of the following:                            


18                                                                               (i) The directors and officers of the corporation if the                            


19  authorized business is a corporation.                                       


20      (ii) The partners of the partnership or limited liability                    


21  partnership if the authorized business is a partnership or                  


22  limited liability partnership.                                              


23      (iii) The members of the limited liability company if the                    


24  authorized business is a limited liability company.                         


25      (e) The amount and duration of the tax credit separately for                


26  each authorized business.