March 2, 2004, Introduced by Senator PRUSI and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.






























    EXECUTIVE BUDGET BILL                                                       






                                                                                 A bill to make appropriations for certain capital outlay programs                 


    and state departments and agencies for the fiscal year ending September     


    30, 2005; to implement the appropriations within the budgetary process;     


    to make appropriations for planning and construction at state agencies;     


    to make appropriations for state building authority rent and insurance;     


    to make a grant for state building authority rent; to provide for the       


    acquisition of land and buildings; to provide for the elimination of        


    fire hazards; to provide for special maintenance, remodeling and            


    addition, alteration, renovation, demolition, and other projects; to        


    provide for elimination of occupational safety and health hazards; to       



    provide for the award and implementation of contracts; to provide for       


    the purchase of furnishings and equipment relative to occupancy of a        


    project; to provide for the development of public recreation                


    facilities; to provide for certain advances from the general fund; to       


    prescribe powers and duties of certain state officers and agencies; to      


    require certain reports, plans, and agreements; to provide for leases;      


    to provide for transfers; to prescribe standards and conditions             


    relating to the appropriations; and to provide for the expenditure of       




    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                                  


1   PART 1                                                                      


2   LINE-ITEM APPROPRIATIONS                                                    


3       Sec. 101.  Subject to the conditions set forth in this bill, the            


4   amounts listed in this part are appropriated for certain capital outlay     


5   projects at the various state agencies for the fiscal year ending           


6   September 30, 2005, from the funds indicated in this part.  The             


7   following is a summary of the appropriations in this part:                  


8   CAPITAL OUTLAY                                                              


9   APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY:                                                     


10      GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    573,148,300                                                                 


11  Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                           


12      Total interdepartmental grants and                                          


13                                                                                   intradepartmental transfers                                                          2,000,000                                                                   


14  ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                     $    571,148,300                                                                 


15  Federal revenues:                                                           


16      Total federal revenues                                                               210,842,000                                                                 


17  Special revenue funds:                                                      


1       Total local revenues                                                                 42,790,000                                                                  


2       Total private revenues                                                                                                                                        0    


3       Total state restricted revenues                                                      46,214,200                                                                  


4       State general fund/general purpose                                               $    271,302,100                                                                 


5                                                                                    Sec. 102.  DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                                        


6       Farmland and open space development acquisition                                  $    7,500,000                                                                   


7       GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    7,500,000                                                                   


8                                                                                    Appropriated from:                                                          


9   Federal revenues:                                                           


10      DAG, multiple grants                                                                 2,500,000                                                                   


11  Special revenue funds:                                                      


12      Agriculture preservation fund                                                        5,000,000                                                                   


13      State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


14                                                                                       Sec. 103.  DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS                      


15      Lump-sum projects:                                                          


16      For department of military and veterans affairs                             


17                                                                                   special maintenance remodeling and additions                                     $    5,592,000                                                                   


18      Grand Ledge army aviation support facility, for                             


19                                                                                   design and construction (total authorized cost                              


20                                                                                   $30,000,000; federal share $29,660,000; state                               


21                                                                                   share $340,000)                                                                      9,200,000                                                                   


22      North Lansing complex renovations, for design and                           


23                                                                                   construction (total project cost $13,000,000;                               


24                                                                                   federal share $12,500,000; state share $500,000)                                     13,000,000                                                                  


25      Camp Grayling, multiple company headquarters                                


26                                                                                   buildings, for design and construction (total author-                       


27                                                                                   ized cost $18,500,000; federal share $18,500,000)                                    18,500,000                                                                  


28      Camp Grayling, multi-purpose machine gun range, for                         


1                                                                                    design and construction (total authorized cost                              


2                                                                                    $2,000,000; federal share $2,000,000)                                                2,000,000                                                                   


3       GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    48,292,000                                                                  


4                                                                                    Appropriated from:                                                          


5   Federal revenues:                                                           


6       DOD, department of the army - national guard bureau                                  47,792,000                                                                  


7   Special revenue funds:                                                      


8       Armory construction fund                                                             500,000                                                                     


9       State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


10                                                                                   Sec. 104.  DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                  


11                                                                                   (1) STATE PARK REMODELING AND ADDITIONS:                                    


12      State parks repair and maintenance                                               $    1,000,000                                                                   


13      Forest roads, bridges, and facilities                                                900,000                                                                     


14      GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    1,900,000                                                                   


15                                                                                   Appropriated from:                                                          


16  Special revenue funds:                                                      


17      State park improvement fund                                                          1,000,000                                                                   


18      Forest development fund                                                              800,000                                                                     


19      Forest recreation fund                                                               100,000                                                                     


20      State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


21                                                                                   (2) WILDLIFE:                                                               


22      State game and wildlife area maintenance                                         $    550,000                                                                     


23      GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    550,000                                                                     


24                                                                                   Appropriated from:                                                          


25  Federal revenues:                                                           


26      DOI, Pittman-Robertson                                                               550,000                                                                     


27  Special revenue funds:                                                      


1       State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


2       Sec. 105.  STATE AGENCY SPECIAL MAINTENANCE                                 


3       Lump-sum projects:                                                          


4       Major special maintenance, remodeling and addition                          


5                                                                                    for state agencies                                                               $    4,000,000                                                                   


6       GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    4,000,000                                                                   


7                                                                                    Appropriated from:                                                          


8   Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                           


9       IDG, building occupancy charges                                                      2,000,000                                                                   


10  Special revenue funds:                                                      


11      State general fund/general purpose                                               $    2,000,000                                                                   


12                                                                                   Sec. 106. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                      


13                                                                                   (1) BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES:                                               


14      Salt storage buildings and containment control                              


15                                                                                   systems - contract agencies                                                      $    1,900,000                                                                   


16      Salt storage buildings and containment control                              


17                                                                                   systems – various state locations                                                    1,100,000                                                                   


18      Atlanta, Montmorency County, maintenance garage                             


19                                                                                   renovations, phase II (total authorized cost                                


20                                                                                   $2,926,000)                                                                          2,376,000                                                                   


21      Reroof MDOT facilities - fence MDOT properties, and                         


22                                                                                   install bituminous surface/resurfacing - various                            


23                                                                                   locations                                                                            530,000                                                                     


24      Construct/replace equipment storage buildings – various                     


25                                                                                   locations                                                                            1,006,000                                                                   


26      Houghton, Houghton County, maintenance garage, for                          


27                                                                                   design and construction (total project cost                                 


1                                                                                    $2,230,000)                                                                          2,230,000                                                                   


2       Mio, Oscoda County, maintenance garage renovation and                       


3                                                                                    expansion (total project cost $1,471,000)                                            1,471,000                                                                   


4       Institutional and agency roads                                                       750,000                                                                     


5       Aeronautics facility apron/ramp, roof, and security                         


6                                                                                    improvements                                                                         400,000                                                                     


7       GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    11,763,000                                                                  


8                                                                                    Appropriated from:                                                          


9   Special revenue funds:                                                      


10      State aeronautics fund                                                               400,000                                                                     


11      State trunkline fund                                                                 11,363,000                                                                  


12      State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


13                                                                                   (2) AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS:                                           


14      Airport safety and protection plan                                               $­    222,046,200                                                                 


15      GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    222,046,200                                                                 


16                                                                                   Appropriated from:                                                          


17  Federal revenues:                                                           


18      DOT, federal aviation administration                                                 160,000,000                                                                 


19  Special revenue funds:                                                      


20      Local aeronautics match                                                              42,790,000                                                                  


21      Combined comprehensive transportation bond proceeds                         


22                                                                                   fund - aeronautics                                                                   12,000,000                                                                  


23      State aeronautics fund                                                               7,256,200                                                                   


24      State general fund/general purpose                                               $                                                                            0    


25                                                                                   Sec. 107. STATE BUILDING AUTHORITY RENT                                     


26      State building authority rent - state agencies                                   $    71,604,900                                                                  


27      State building authority rent - department of corrections     77,030,300                                                                  


1       State building authority rent - universities                                         111,966,600                                                                 


2       State building authority rent - community colleges                                   16,495,300                                                                  


3       GROSS APPROPRIATION                                                              $    277,097,100                                                                 


4                                                                                    Appropriated from:                                                          


5   Special revenue funds:                                                      


6       CMRS emergency telephone fund                                                        6,000,000                                                                   


7       State lottery funds                                                                  1,520,000                                                                   


8       Roosevelt parking facility reimbursement                                             275,000                                                                     


9       State general fund/general purpose                                               $    269,302,100                                                                 


10  PART 2                                                                      


11  PROVISIONS CONCERNING APPROPRIATIONS                                        


12  GENERAL SECTIONS                                                            


13      Sec. 201.   Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state               


14  constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources under       


15  part 1 for fiscal year 2004-2005 is $317,516,300.00 and state spending      


16  from state resources paid to units of local government for fiscal year      


17  2004-2005 is $21,756,200.00.  The itemized statement below identifies       


18  appropriations from which spending to units of local government will        


19  occur:                                                                      


20  CAPITAL OUTLAY                                                              


21      Department of agriculture – farmland and open                               


22                                                                                   space development acquisition                                                    $    2,500,000                                                                   


23      Department of transportation – airport safety and                           


24                                                                                   protection plan                                                                  $    19,256,200                                                                  


25      TOTAL                                                                            $    21,756,200                                                                  


26      Sec. 202.  The appropriations authorized under this bill are subject        


27  to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.      


1       Sec. 203. As used in this bill:                                             


2                                                                                    (a) "Board" means the state administrative board.                           


3                                                                                    (b) "CMRS" means the commercial mobile radio suppliers.                     


4                                                                                    (c) "Community college" does not include a state agency or                  


5   university.                                                                 


6                                                                                    (d) "Department" means the department of management and budget.             


7                                                                                    (e) "Director" means the director of the department of management           


8   and budget.                                                                 


9                                                                                    (f) "DAG" means the United States department of agriculture.                


10                                                                                   (g) "DOD" means the United States department of defense.                    


11                                                                                   (h) "DOI" means the United States department of interior.                   


12                                                                                   (i) "DOT" means the United States department of transportation.             


13                                                                                   (j) "Fiscal agencies" means the senate fiscal agency and the                


14  house fiscal agency.                                                        


15                                                                                   (k) "ICF/MR" means intermediate care facilities for the mentally            


16  retarded.                                                                   


17                                                                                   (l) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.                                    


18                                                                                   (m) "JCOS" means the joint capital outlay subcommittee of the               


19  appropriations committees.                                                  


20                                                                                   (n) "MDOT" means the Michigan department of transportation.                 


21                                                                                   (o) "State agency" means an agency of state government.  State              


22  agency does not include a community college or university.                  


23                                                                                   (p) "State building authority" means the authority created under            


24  1964 PA 183, MCL 830.411 to 830.425.                                        


25                                                                                   (q) "University" means a 4-year university supported by the                 


26  state. University does not include a community college or a state           


27  agency.                                                                     


1       Sec. 204. Unless otherwise specified, departments and agencies              


2   receiving appropriations in part 1 shall use the Internet to fulfill        


3   the reporting requirements of this bill.  This requirement may include      


4   transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients               


5   identified for each reporting requirement or it may include placement       


6   of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.                                 


7   DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                                                   


8       Sec. 301. Of the amounts appropriated in part 1 for farmland and            


9   open space development acquisition, the funds shall be used for the         


10  purchase of development rights and the awarding of grants by the            


11  agriculture preservation fund board under the natural resources and         


12  environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106.        




14      Sec. 401. Each capital outlay project authorized in this bill or any        


15  previous capital outlay act shall comply with the procedures required       


16  by the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.      


17      Sec. 402.  A statement of a proposed facility’s operating cost shall        


18  be included with the facility’s program statement and planning              


19  documents when the plans are presented to JCOS for approval.                


20      Sec. 403. (1) Before proceeding with final planning and construction        


21  for projects at community colleges and universities included in an          


22  appropriations bill, the community college or university shall sign an      


23  agreement with the department that includes the following provisions:       


24                                                                                   (a) The university or community college agrees to construct the             


25  project within the total authorized cost established by the legislature     


26  pursuant to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to      


27  18.1594, and an appropriations act.                                         


1                                                                                    (b) The design and program scope of the project shall not deviate           


2   from the design and program scope represented in the program statement      


3   and preliminary planning documents approved by the department.              


4                                                                                    (c) Any other items as identified by the department that are                


5   necessary to complete the project.                                          


6                                                                                    (2) The department retains the authority and responsibility                 


7   normally associated with the prudent maintenance of the public’s            


8   financial and policy interests relative to the state-financed               


9   construction projects managed by a community college or university.         


10      Sec. 404. (1) The department shall provide the JCOS, state budget           


11  director and the fiscal agencies with reports as considered necessary       


12  relative to the status of each planning or construction project             


13  financed by the state building authority, by this bill, or by previous      


14  acts.                                                                       


15                                                                                   (2) Before the end of each fiscal year, the department shall                


16  report to the JCOS and the fiscal agencies for each capital outlay          


17  project other than lump sums all of the following:                          


18                                                                                   (a) The account number and name of each construction project.               


19                                                                                   (b) The balance remaining in each account.                                  


20                                                                                   (c) The date of the last expenditure from the account.                      


21                                                                                   (d) The anticipated date of occupancy if the project is under               


22  construction.                                                               


23                                                                                   (e) The appropriations history for the project.                             


24                                                                                   (f) The professional service contractor.                                    


25                                                                                   (g) The amount of a project financed with federal funds.                    


26                                                                                   (h) The amount of a project financed through the state building             


27  authority.                                                                  


1                                                                                    (i) The total authorized cost for the project and the state                 


2   authorized share if different than the total.                               


3                                                                                    (3) Before the end of each fiscal year, the department shall                


4   report the following for each project by a state agency, university, or     


5   community college that is authorized for planning but is not yet            


6   authorized for construction:                                                


7                                                                                    (a) The name of the project and account number.                             


8                                                                                    (b) Whether a program statement is approved.                                


9                                                                                    (c) Whether schematics are approved by the department.                      


10                                                                                   (d) Whether preliminary plans are approved by the department.               


11                                                                                   (e) The name of the professional service contractor.                        


12                                                                                   (4) As used in this section, "project" includes appropriation               


13  line items made for purchase of real estate.                                


14      Sec. 404. (1) If a capital outlay appropriation is contained in a           


15  public act that was not reviewed by the JCOS during the legislative         


16  process, the director shall notify the JCOS of an expenditure of that       


17  capital outlay appropriation not less than 60 days before the               


18  expenditure.                                                                


19                                                                                   (2) For the purposes of this section, "capital outlay                       


20  appropriation" means an appropriation that provides for the                 


21  construction, renovation, or repair of a capital facility or                


22  acquisition or development of land and that is normally reviewed by the     


23  JCOS.                                                                       


24      Sec. 405. A state agency, college, or university shall take steps           


25  necessary to make available federal and other money indicated in this       


26  bill, to make available federal or other money that may become              


27  available for the purposes for which appropriations are made in this        


1   bill, and to use any part or all of the appropriations to meet matching     


2   requirements that are considered to be in the best interest of this         


3   state.  However, the purpose, scope, and total estimated cost of a          


4   project shall not be altered to meet the matching requirements.             


5       Sec. 406. Pursuant to section 242(2) of the management and budget           


6   act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1242, the department shall submit 5-year           


7   capital outlay plans and capital outlay priority requests developed by      


8   state agencies (and as approved by the department of management and         


9   budget), universities, and community colleges to the chairperson and        


10  ranking vice-chairperson of the JCOS and the fiscal agencies upon the       


11  release of the executive budget recommendation.                             


12  USE AND FINANCE STATEMENTS                                                  


13      Sec. 501. (1) A university or community college shall not let a             


14  contract for new construction of a nonstate-funded project estimated to     


15  cost more than $1,000,000.00 unless the project is authorized by the        


16  JCOS through approval of a use and financing statement defined by a         


17  policy adopted by the JCOS.  The request for legislative authorization      


18  shall be initially submitted for review to the JCOS and the department.     


19  The use and financing statement for a nonstate-funded project shall         


20  contain the estimated total construction cost and all associated            


21  estimated operating costs including a statement of anticipated project      


22  revenues.  As used in this section, "new construction" includes land or     


23  property acquisition, remodeling and additions, and maintenance             


24  projects.                                                                   


25                                                                                   (2) A project that is constructed in violation of this section              


26  shall not receive state appropriations for purposes of operating the        


27  project, or support for future infrastructure enhancements that are         


1   necessitated, in part or in total, by construction of the project.          


2                                                                                    (3) A state agency, including the department of military affairs,           


3   shall not let a contract, including those for a direct federally-funded     


4   capital outlay construction or major maintenance or remodeling project      


5   if the total project is estimated to cost more than $1,000,000.00 and       


6   is to be constructed on state-owned lands, unless the project is            


7   approved by the department and by the JCOS through approval of a use        


8   and financing statement defined by a policy adopted by the JCOS.  For       


9   projects over $1,000,000.00, the state agency shall submit a use and        


10  financing statement as required for community colleges and universities     


11  in subsection (1).  As used in this subsection, "direct federally-          


12  funded" refers to a project for which federal payments are made             


13  directly to the construction vendor and not to the state of Michigan.       


14                                                                                   (4) A public body corporate created under section 28 of article             


15  VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of      


16  1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual         


17  interlocal agreement between local participating economic development       


18  corporations formed under the economic development corporations act,        


19  1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund      


20  shall not let a contract for new construction estimated to cost more        


21  than $1,000,000.00 unless the project is authorized by the JCOS through     


22  the approval of a use and financing statement defined by a policy           


23  adopted by the JCOS.  For purposes of this subsection, the use and          


24  financing statement for a project shall contain the estimated total         


25  construction cost and all associated estimated operating costs.  As         


26  used in this subsection, "new construction" means land or property          


27  acquisition, remodeling or additions, lease or lease purchase, and          


1   maintenance projects for the corporate office of the public body            


2   corporate described in this subsection.                                     


3   LUMP SUMS AND SPECIAL MAINTENANCE                                           


4       Sec. 601. (1) The director shall allocate lump-sum appropriations           


5   made in this bill for remodeling and addition, special maintenance,         


6   major special maintenance, energy conservation, demolition, ICF/MR,         


7   air-conditioning, and fire protection projects.  The director shall         


8   allocate other lump sums in order of program priority and need of the       


9   various state agencies or as otherwise based on actual building             


10  inspection reports by regulatory agencies.                                  


11                                                                                   (2) The state budget director may authorize that funds                      


12  appropriated for lump-sum special maintenance shall be available for no     


13  more than 3 fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the             


14  original appropriation was made.  Any remaining balance from                


15  allocations made in this section shall lapse to the fund from which it      


16  was appropriated pursuant to the lapsing of funds as provided in the        


17  management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.             


18                                                                                   (3) Before the end of each fiscal year, the department shall                


19  submit a report to the JCOS and the fiscal agencies indicating the          


20  total cost and status of all lump-sum projects funded under this bill       


21  and any previous act that have been designated as proposed, designed,       


22  bid, under construction, or completed within the current fiscal year.       


23      Sec. 602. A state agency, university or community college shall             


24  provide notification to JCOS prior to commencing a demolition project       


25  authorized in this bill.  The demolition project may be disapproved by      


26  the JCOS within 30 days after the date of notification, and if              


27  disapproved within that time, the demolition project shall not be           


1   authorized.  The notification to JCOS shall identify the building or        


2   facility to be demolished and its location, the estimated cost of the       


3   demolition project, estimated project schedule, and the source of           


4   financing.                                                                  


5       Sec. 603. Pursuant to department policy, state agencies may expend          


6   not more than $1,000,000.00 from their operating budget for special         


7   maintenance, remodeling, additions, or other capital outlay purposes,       


8   unless specifically authorized by the legislature.                          


9   STATE BUILDING AUTHORITY                                                    


10      Sec. 701. (1) Subject to section 242 of the management and budget           


11  act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1242, and upon the approval of the state           


12  building authority, the department may expend from the general fund of      


13  the state during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005 an amount to     


14  meet the cash flow requirements of those state building authority           


15  projects solely for lease to a state agency identified in both part 1       


16  and this section, and for which state building authority bonds or notes     


17  have not been issued, and for the sole acquisition by the state             


18  building authority of equipment and furnishings for lease to a state        


19  agency as permitted by 1964 PA 183, MCL 830.411 to 830.425, for which       


20  the issuance of bonds or notes is authorized by a legislative               


21  concurrent resolution that is effective for a fiscal year ending            


22  September 30, 2005.  Any general fund advances for which state building     


23  authority bonds have not been issued shall bear an interest cost to the     


24  state building authority at a rate not to exceed that earned by the         


25  state treasurer’s common cash fund during the period in which the           


26  advances are outstanding and are repaid to the general fund of the          


27  state.                                                                      


1                                                                                    (2) Upon sale of bonds or notes for the projects identified in              


2   part 1 or for equipment as authorized by legislative concurrent             


3   resolution and in this section, the state building authority shall          


4   credit the general fund of the state an amount equal to that expended       


5   from the general fund plus interest, if any, as defined in this             


6   section.                                                                    


7                                                                                    (3) For state building authority projects for which bonds or                


8   notes have been issued and upon the request of the state building           


9   authority, the state treasurer shall make advances without interest         


10  from the general fund as necessary to meet cash flow requirements for       


11  the projects, which advances shall be reimbursed by the state building      


12  authority when the investments earmarked for the financing of the           


13  projects mature.                                                            


14                                                                                   (4) In the event that a project identified in part 1 is                     


15  terminated after final design is complete, advances made on behalf of       


16  the state building authority for the costs of final design shall be         


17  repaid to the general fund in a manner recommended by the director and      


18  approved by the JCOS.                                                       


19      Sec. 702. (1) State building authority funding to finance                   


20  construction or renovation of a facility that collects revenue in           


21  excess of money required for the operation of that facility shall not       


22  be released to a university or community college unless the institution     


23  agrees to reimburse that excess revenue to the state building               


24  authority.  The excess revenue shall be credited to the general fund to     


25  offset rent obligations associated with the retirement of bonds issued      


26  for that facility.  The auditor general shall annually identify and         


27  present an audit of those facilities that are subject to this section.      


1   Costs associated with the administration of the audit shall be charged      


2   against money recovered pursuant to this section.                           


3                                                                                    (2) As used in this section, "revenue" includes state                       


4   appropriations, facility opening money, other state aid, indirect cost      


5   reimbursement, and other revenue generated by the activities of the         


6   facility.                                                                   


7       Sec. 703. (1) The state building authority rent appropriations in           


8   part 1 may also be expended for the payment of required premiums for        


9   insurance on facilities owned by the state building authority or            


10  payment of costs that may be incurred as the result of any deductible       


11  provisions in such insurance policies.                                      


12                                                                                   (2) If the amount appropriated in part 1 for state building                 


13  authority rent is not sufficient to pay the rent obligations and            


14  insurance premiums and deductibles identified in subsection (1) for         


15  state building authority projects, there is appropriated from the           


16  general fund of the state the amount necessary to pay such obligations.     


17      Sec. 704.  The department shall provide the JCOS and the fiscal             


18  agencies a report, not more than 15 days after the reporting date,          


19  relative to the status of construction projects associated with state       


20  building authority bonds on September 30 of each year, or not more than     


21  30 days after a refinancing or restructuring bond issue is sold.  The       


22  report shall include, but is not limited to, the following:                 


23                                                                                   (a) A list of all completed construction projects for which state           


24  building authority bonds have been sold, and which bonds are currently      


25  active.                                                                     


26                                                                                   (b) A list of all projects under construction for which sale of             


27  state building authority bonds are pending.                                 


1                                                                                    (c) A list of all projects authorized for construction or                   


2   identified in an appropriations act for which approval of                   


3   schematic/preliminary plans or total authorized cost is pending that        


4   have state building authority bonds identified as a source of               


5   financing.                                                                  


6   COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES                                                   


7       Sec. 801. (1) This section applies only to projects for community           


8   colleges.                                                                   


9                                                                                    (2) State support is directed towards the remodeling and                    


10  additions, special maintenance, or construction of certain community        


11  college buildings.  The community college shall obtain or provide for       


12  site acquisition and initial main utility installation to operate the       


13  facility. Funding shall be comprised of local and state shares, and the     


14  state share shall include 50% of any federal money awarded for projects     


15  appropriated in this bill.  Not more than 50% of a capital outlay           


16  project, not including a lump-sum special maintenance project or            


17  remodeling and addition project, for a community college shall be           


18  appropriated from state and federal funds, unless otherwise                 


19  appropriated by the legislature.                                            


20                                                                                   (3) An expenditure under this bill is authorized when the release           


21  of the appropriation is approved by the board upon the recommendation       


22  of the director.  The director may recommend to the board the release       


23  of any appropriation in part 1 only after the director is assured that      


24  the legal entity operating the community college to which the               


25  appropriation is made has complied with this bill and has matched the       


26  amounts appropriated as required by this bill.  A release of funds in       


27  part 1 shall not exceed 50% of the total cost of planning and               


1   construction of any project, not including lump-sum remodeling and          


2   additions and special maintenance, unless otherwise appropriated by the     


3   legislature.  Further planning and construction of a project authorized     


4   by this bill or applicable sections of the management and budget act,       


5   1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594, shall be in accordance with the        


6   purpose and scope as defined and delineated in the approved program         


7   statements and planning documents.  This bill is applicable to all          


8   projects for which planning appropriations were made in previous acts.      


9                                                                                    (4) The community college shall take the steps necessary to                 


10  secure available federal construction and equipment money for projects      


11  funded for construction in this bill if an application was not              


12  previously made.  If there is a reasonable expectation that a prior         


13  year unfunded application may receive federal money in a subsequent         


14  year, the college shall take whatever action necessary to keep the          


15  application active.  If federal money is received, the state share          


16  shall be adjusted accordingly as provided by this bill.                     


17      Sec. 802. If matching revenues are received in an amount less than          


18  the appropriations contained in this bill, the state funds of the           


19  appropriation shall be reduced in proportion to the amount of matching      


20  revenue received.                                                           


21      Sec. 803. (1) The director may require that community colleges and          


22  universities that have an authorized project listed in part 1 submit        


23  documentation regarding the project match and governing board approval      


24  of the authorized project not more than 60 days after the beginning of      


25  the fiscal year.                                                            


26                                                                                   (2) If the documentation required by the director under                     


27  subsection (1) is not submitted, or does not adequately authenticate        


1   the availability of the project match or board approval of the              


2   authorized project, the authorization may terminate.  The authorization     


3   terminates 30 days after the director notifies the JCOS of the intent       


4   to terminate the project unless the JCOS extends the authorization.         


5   DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET                                         


6       Sec. 901. (1) The department shall provide the JCOS and the fiscal          


7   agencies a report of privately owned leased space by state agencies by      


8   September 30 of each year, consisting of the following:                     


9                                                                                    (a) Department.                                                             


10                                                                                   (b) Agency division and leased number.                                      


11                                                                                   (c) Building location (address and city).                                   


12                                                                                   (d) Type of building.                                                       


13                                                                                   (e) County.                                                                 


14                                                                                   (f) Name and address of lessor.                                             


15                                                                                   (g) Square footage and net square footage rate.                             


16                                                                                   (h) Monthly and annual cost per lease.                                      


17                                                                                   (i) Date lease started and expires.                                         


18                                                                                   (j) Options and services.                                                   


19                                                                                   (k) Total monthly and annual cost for all leases.                           


20                                                                                   (2) The lease report shall be summarized for office space, group            


21  homes, and other space for the Lansing area and statewide, excepting        


22  the Lansing area.                                                           


23      Sec. 902. (1) Due to the need to more efficiently and effectively           


24  manage the portfolio of facilities leased for use by agencies of            


25  state government, the reduction in the number of state employees            


26  occupying such facilities and the need to reduce expenditures, the          


27  director of the department of management and budget shall not               


1   authorize the expenditure of any funds appropriated to state                


2   departments and state agencies for the fiscal year ending                   


3   September 30, 2005 for rental payments or operational expenses for          


4   the leased premises at the following location(s) except as                  


5   provided in subsection (2):                                                 


6                                                                                    (a) 10226-1995-1035, department of labor and economic growth:               


7   201 N. Washington, Lansing, MI.                                             


8                                                                                    (b) 7158-1990-115, department of labor and economic growth:  201            


9   N. Washington, Lansing, MI.                                                 


10                                                                                   (c) 7320-1989-349, department of civil service:  400 S. Pine,               


11  Lansing, MI.                                                                


12                                                                                   (d) 10464-1996-1362, department of community health:  300 E.                


13  Michigan, Lansing, MI.                                                      


14                                                                                   (e) 7321-1989-350, department of community health:  400 S. Pine,            


15  Lansing, MI.                                                                


16                                                                                   (f) 10573-1998-1136, department of labor and economic growth:               


17  1375 S. Washington, Lansing, MI.                                            


18                                                                                   (g) 10469-2002-2159, department of labor and economic growth:               


19  2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, MI.                                           


20                                                                                   (h) 7157-2001-1172, department of corrections:  206 E. Michigan,            


21  Lansing, MI.                                                                


22                                                                                   (i) 10143-1992-1045, family independence agency:  2100 Woodward             


23  Ave, Bloomfield Hills, MI.                                                  


24                                                                                   (j) 10214-1993-1237, family independence agency:  5321 28th Street          


25  SE, Grand Rapids, MI.                                                       


26                                                                                   (k) 10220-1999-1330, family independence agency:  2015 Bailey,              


27  Dearborn, MI.                                                               


1                                                                                    (l) 10237-1992-1238, family independence agency:  1509                      


2   Washington, Midland, MI.                                                    


3                                                                                    (m) 10450-1995-1289, family independence agency:  27407 Hamlin,             


4   Inkster, MI.                                                                


5                                                                                    (n) 2502-1986-29, family independence agency:  111 W. Union,                


6   Roscommon, MI.                                                              


7                                                                                    (o) 2625-1988-55, family independence agency:  4505 Oakman,                 


8   Detroit, MI.                                                                


9                                                                                    (p) 2702-1994-1191, family independence agency:  1960 Lafayette,            


10  Detroit, MI.                                                                


11                                                                                   (q) 6129-1983-57, family independence agency:  2400 Denton,                 


12  Hamtramck, MI.                                                              


13                                                                                   (r) 7026-1988-212, family independence agency:  515 S. Sandusky,            


14  Sandusky, MI.                                                               


15                                                                                   (s) 7455-1992-1165, family independence agency:  22 Center,                 


16  Ypsilanti, MI.                                                              


17                                                                                   (t) 10900-2001-1096, department of management and budget:  110 W.           


18  Michigan, Lansing, MI.                                                      


19                                                                                   (u) 7050-2001-1203, department of management and budget:  400 S.            


20  Pine, Lansing, MI.                                                          


21                                                                                   (v) 10235-1994-1262, department of state police:  4481 Corunna              


22  Rd., Flint, MI.                                                             


23                                                                                   (w) 2787-1993-1009, department of labor and economic growth:                


24  5015 S. Cedar, Lansing, MI.                                                 


25                                                                                   (2) If the director of the department of management and budget              


26  determines that the proper and efficient administration of the              


27  portfolio of facilities leased for use by agencies of state government      


1   requires that payments from funds appropriated to state departments and     


2   state agencies in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, continue       


3   to be expended for rental payments or operational expenses for one or       


4   more of the properties listed in subsection (1), an exception may be        


5   granted by the director of the department of management and budget for      


6   lease expenditures related to such property or properties.  No such         


7   exception shall be granted unless the director determines that one or       


8   more of the following will occur:                                           


9                                                                                    (a) The efficient and effective operation of an essential state             


10  agency function will be jeopardized.                                        


11                                                                                   (b) Failure to waive application of subsection 1 will cause                 


12  substantial unnecessary expenditure of resources.                           


13                                                                                   (c) Such an exception will serve the best interests of the state.           


14                                                                                   (3) Prior to September 30, 2005, the director of the department             


15  of management and budget shall report in writing to the chairs of the       


16  house and senate committees on appropriations, the house and senate         


17  fiscal agencies and the state budget director any exceptions approved       


18  under subsection (2), and the justification for such exception(s).          


19  DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS                                 


20      Sec. 1001. The appropriations in part 1 for department of military          


21  and veterans affairs design and construction projects are contingent        


22  upon the availability of federal and state restricted funds for             


23  financing.                                                                  


24      Sec. 1002.  The following department of military and veterans               


25  affairs design and construction project is canceled:  a total of            


26  $6,700,000.00 appropriated in 2003 PA 193 for design and construction       


27  of a new United States property and fiscal office.                          


1   DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                             


2       Sec. 1101.  Before the end of each fiscal year, the department of           


3   natural resources shall report each year to the JCOS the status of each     


4   project that received an appropriation in any capital outlay act, if        


5   the project is either not completed or has a balance remaining in its       


6   account. The report shall be in the same form and contain the               


7   information as required under section 404. The report shall be              


8   separated into the following areas, by fund sources:                        


9                                                                                    (a) Waterways projects.                                                     


10                                                                                   (b) Urban recreation projects.                                              


11                                                                                   (c) State park projects.                                                    


12                                                                                   (d) Wildlife and fisheries projects.                                        


13                                                                                   (e) Other projects.                                                         


14  STATE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT                                             


15      Sec. 1201. (1) From federal-state-local project appropriations              


16  contained in part 1 for the purpose of assisting political entities and     


17  subdivisions of this state in the construction and improvement of           


18  publicly used airports and landing fields within this state, the state      


19  transportation department may permit the award of contracts on behalf       


20  of units of local government for the authorized locations not to exceed     


21  the indicated amounts, of which the state allocated portion shall not       


22  exceed the amount appropriated in part 1.                                   


23                                                                                   (2) Political entities and subdivisions shall provide not less              


24  than 2.5% of the cost of any project under this section, unless a total     


25  non-federal share greater than 5% is otherwise specified in federal         


26  law.  State money shall not be allocated until local money is               


27  allocated.  State money for any 1 project shall not exceed 1/3 of the       


1   total appropriation in part 1 from state funds for airport improvement      


2   programs.                                                                   


3                                                                                    (3) The Michigan aeronautics commission may take those steps                


4   necessary to match federal money available for airport construction and     


5   improvement within this state, and to meet the matching requirements of     


6   the federal government.  Whether acting alone or jointly with another       


7   political subdivision or public agency or with this state, a political      


8   subdivision or public agency of this state shall not submit to any          


9   agency of the federal government a project application for airport          


10  planning or development unless it is authorized in this bill and the        


11  project application is approved by the governing body of each political     


12  subdivision or public agency making the application, and by the             


13  Michigan aeronautics commission.                                            


14                                                                                   (4) From the appropriations contained in part 1 for airport                 


15  improvement programs, no funds shall be allocated for any runway            


16  extensions, taxiway extensions, or apron extensions at the Detroit-         


17  Willow Run airport.                                                         


18      Sec. 1202. Before the end of each fiscal year, the state                    


19  transportation department shall report to the JCOS the status of            


20  projects funded in part 1 with the estimated dollars allocated for each     


21  project.  If there has to be a delay in reporting, the state                


22  transportation department shall notify JCOS in writing of the date the      


23  report will be received.                                                    


24      Sec. 1203. (1) A planning project or construction project                   


25  appropriated for the airport program shall be made available for no         


26  more than 3 fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the             


27  original appropriation was made.                                            


1                                                                                    (2) Any remaining balance from allocations made in this section             


2   shall lapse to the fund from which it was appropriated pursuant to the      


3   lapsing of funds as provided in the management and budget act, 1984 PA      


4   431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594.                                                


5   MISCELLANEOUS                                                               


6       Sec. 1301. (1) Revenue collected from licenses issued under the             


7   antenna site management project shall be deposited into the antenna         


8   site management revolving fund created for this purpose in the              


9   department of information technology.  The department may receive and       


10  expend funds from the fund for costs associated with the antenna site       


11  management project, including the cost of the third-party site manager.     


12  Any excess revenue remaining in the fund at the close of the fiscal         


13  year shall be proportionately transferred to the appropriate state          


14  restricted funds as designated in statute or by constitution.               


15                                                                                   (2) An antenna shall not be sited pursuant to this section                  


16  without prior compliance with the respective local zoning codes and         


17  local unit of government processes.                                         


18      Sec. 1302. (1) A site preparation economic development fund is              


19  hereby created in the department of management and budget.  As used in      


20  this section, "economic development sites" means those state-owned          


21  sites declared as surplus property pursuant to section 251 of the           


22  management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1251, that would provide     


23  economic benefit to the area or to the state.  The Michigan economic        


24  development corporation board and the state budget director shall           


25  determine whether or not a specific state-owned site qualifies for          


26  inclusion in the fund created under this subsection.                        


27                                                                                   (2) Proceeds from the sale of any sites designated in subsection            


1   (1) shall be deposited into the fund created in subsection (1) and          


2   shall be available for site preparation expenditures, unless otherwise      


3   provided by law.  The economic development sites authorized in              


4   subsection (1) are hereby authorized for sale consistent with state         


5   law.  Expenditures from the fund are hereby authorized for site             


6   preparation activities that enhance the marketable sale value of the        


7   sites.  Site preparation activities include, but are not limited to,        


8   demolition, environmental studies and abatement, utility enhancement,       


9   and site excavation.                                                        


10                                                                                   (3) A cash advance in an amount of not more than $25,000,000.00             


11  is hereby authorized from the general fund to the site preparation          


12  economic development fund.                                                  


13                                                                                   (4) An annual report shall be transmitted to the senate and house           


14  of representatives appropriations committees not later than December 31     


15  of each year.  This report shall detail both of the following:              


16                                                                                   (a) The revenue and expenditure activity in the fund for the                


17  preceding fiscal year.                                                      


18                                                                                   (b) The sites identified as economic development sites under                


19  subsection (1).