March 30, 2004, Introduced by Senators BROWN, JELINEK, BARCIA, VAN WOERKOM, McMANUS and GILBERT and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 361, entitled
"Michigan exposition and fairgrounds act,"
by amending sections 2, 9, and 11 (MCL 285.162, 285.169, and
285.171), as amended by 2000 PA 39.
1 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
2 (a) "Council" means the state exposition and fairgrounds
3 council created in section 9.
4 (b)
"Department" means the department of agriculture
5 management and budget.
6 (c) "Director" means the director of the department.
7 (d) "Fund" means the state exposition and fairgrounds fund
8 created in section 14a.
9 (e) "Manager" means the manager of the state exposition and
10 fairgrounds.
1 Sec. 9. (1) A state exposition and fairgrounds council is
2 established within the department. The council shall consist of
3 the following members:
4 (a) The director or a designated representative.
5 (b) The director of
the department of natural resources
6 agriculture or a designated representative.
7 (c) Nine members, not more than 5 of whom shall be members
8 of the same political party, appointed by the governor by and
9 with the consent of the senate. The term of office of each
10 member in this subdivision shall be 3 years except that, of the
11 members first appointed, 2 shall serve for 1 year, 3 shall serve
12 for 2 years, and 4 shall serve for 3 years. In case of vacancy,
13 an appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made in the same
14 manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term. Three
15 members shall be engaged in the agriculture industry, 1 member
16 shall represent labor, 2 members shall represent business, 1
17 member shall be from the travel industry, and 2 members shall be
18 from the general public.
19 (2) Council members shall be paid a per diem compensation
20 and receive reimbursement of expenses.
21 (3) The council shall select a chairperson and other
22 officers from its membership.
23 (4) The director and the director of the department of
24 natural resources agriculture shall not serve as officers of
25 the council.
26 (5) The council shall be provided staff assistance by the
27 department to carry out its functions and shall meet not less
1 than 4 times per year.
2 Sec. 11. The council shall do all of the following:
3 (a) Advise the director, the legislature, and the governor on
4 the operating budget, capital improvements, programs, exhibits,
5 and other matters relevant to the state exposition and
6 fairgrounds.
7 (b) Advise the director relative to the selection of a
8 manager. before
9 (c) Advise the director with regard to utilization of the
10 state exposition and fairgrounds, including its use as the site
11 for the annual state fair, and on any other matter which the
12 council may regard as appropriate.
13 (d) Promote, encourage, and assist the director and the
14 manager in conducting exhibits or other events at the state
15 exposition and fairgrounds that enhance agricultural, industrial,
16 commercial, recreational, educational, or cultural pursuits or
17 government service to citizens.
18 (e) Perform other functions the director or the manager
19 requests.