September 15, 2004, Introduced by Senators SCOTT, BRATER, OLSHOVE, JACOBS, CLARKE, BASHAM, SCHAUER, LELAND, CHERRY, EMERSON, PRUSI and BARCIA and referred to the Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled                                             


    "The code of criminal procedure,"                                           


    by amending section 14p of chapter XVII (MCL 777.14p), as added             


    by 2002 PA 29.                                                              


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1                              CHAPTER XVII                                     


2       Sec. 14p.  This chapter applies to the following felonies                   


3   enumerated in chapters 482 to 499 of the Michigan Compiled Laws:            


4   M.C.L.             Category Class Description              Stat Max        


5   482.44             Property   H   Bills of lading --                       

6                                        issuance for goods not                 

7                                        received                   5           


8   482.46             Property   H   Bills of lading --                       

9                                        issuance of duplicate                  

10                                       not so marked              5           


11  482.48             Property   H   Bills of lading --                       

12                                       negotiation when goods                 

13                                       not in carriers'                       

14                                       possession                 5           


1   482.49             Property   H   Bills of lading --                       

2                                        inducing carrier to                    

3                                        issue when goods have                  

4                                        not been received          5           


5   482.50             Property   H   Bills of lading --                       

6                                        issuance of                            

7                                        non-negotiable bill not                

8                                        so marked                  5           


9   483.226            Pub trst   E   Officer of a pipeline                    

10                                       company -- intent to                   

11                                       defraud -- stock           10          


12  487.1042(1)        Pub trst   E   Money transmission                       

13                                       services act --                        

14                                       intentionally making a                 

15                                       false statement,                       

16                                       misrepresentation, or                  

17                                       certification in a                     

18                                       record or document         5           


19  487.1042(2)        Pub trst   E   Criminal fraud in the                    

20                                       conduct of money                       

21                                      transmission services                  

22                                       business                   5           


23  487.1505(6)        Pub trst   E   BIDCO act -- knowingly                   

24                                       receiving money or                     

25                                       property at an interest                

26                                       rate exceeding 25%         5           


27  492.137(a)         Pub trst   H   Installment sales of                     

28                                       motor vehicles             3           


29  493.56a(13)        Pub trst   C   False statement in                       

30                                       reports -- secondary                   

31                                       mortgage                   15          


32  493.77(2)          Pub trst   H   Regulatory loans             3           


33      Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


34  effect unless Senate Bill No. 1393                                          


35                         of the 92nd Legislature is enacted into              


36  law.