November 3, 2004, Introduced by Senators TOY, BIRKHOLZ, HAMMERSTROM, McMANUS, KUIPERS and ALLEN and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1976 PA 453, entitled                                             


    "Elliott-Larsen civil rights act,"                                          


    by amending section 201 (MCL 37.2201), as amended by 1980                   


    PA 202.                                                                     


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 201.  As used in this article:                                         


2       (a) "Employer" means a person who has 1 or more employees,                  


3   and includes an agent of that person.                                       


4       (b) "Employment agency" means a person regularly undertaking                


5   with or without compensation to procure, refer, recruit, or place           


6   an employee for an employer or to procure, refer, recruit, or               


7   place for an employer or person the opportunity to work for an              


8   employer and includes an agent of that person.                              


9       (c) "Labor organization" includes the following:                            


10                                                                               (i) An organization of any kind, an agency or employee                              



1   representation committee, group, association, or plan in which              


2   employees participate and  which  that exists for the purpose, in           


3   whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning                      


4   grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours, or other            


5   terms or conditions of employment.                                          


6       (ii) A conference, general committee, joint or system board,                 


7   or joint council  which  that is subordinate to a national or               


8   international labor organization.                                           


9       (iii) An agent of a labor organization.                                      


10      (d) "Sex" includes, but is not limited to,  pregnancy,                      


11  childbirth, or a  all of the following:                                     


12                                                                               (i) Pregnancy.                                                                      


13      (ii) Childbirth.                                                             


14      (iii) A medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth                 


15  that does not include nontherapeutic abortion not intended to               


16  save the life of the mother.                                                


17      (iv) The expression of breast milk by a nursing mother.