November 9, 2004, Introduced by Senator McMANUS and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1, entitled                                     


    "Michigan employment security act,"                                         


    by amending section 41 (MCL 421.41).                                        


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 41.  "Employer" means any of the following:                            


2       (1)  Beginning January 1, 1969, an  An employing unit  (i)                  


3   which  that in each of 20 different calendar weeks within a                 


4   calendar year, whether or not the weeks were consecutive, has or            


5   had in employment 1 or more individuals irrespective of whether             


6   the same individual was employed in each week, or  (ii)  by which            


7   total remuneration of $1,000.00 or more for employment was paid             


8   or payable within the calendar year.                                        


9       (2)  (a) Any  An individual, legal entity, or employing unit                


10  which acquired the organization, trade, or business, or 75% or             


11  more of the  that acquires components of a business as a                    



1   successor in either of the following circumstances:                         


2       (a) As a transferee of 10% or more of the employees, payroll,               


3   trade, inventory, services, or other assets  thereof, of another            


4   which  of a transferor that, at the time of the acquisition, was            


5   an employer subject to this act.                                            


6       (b)  Any individual, legal entity, or employing unit                        


7   described as  As a transferee of a transfer of business as                  


8   described in section 22(c).                                                 


9       (3) Any employing unit  which having  that has become an                    


10  employer under  subdivisions  subdivision (1), (2), (4), (5),               


11  (6), (7), or (9) but has not, under sections 24 and 25, ceased to           


12  be an employer subject to this act.                                         


13      (4) For the effective period of its election pursuant to                    


14  section 25, any other employing unit  which  that has elected to            


15  become fully subject to this act.                                           


16      (5) (a)  Beginning January 1, 1978, an  An employing unit                   


17  which  that for some portion of a day in each of 20 different              


18  calendar weeks, whether or not the weeks were consecutive, in               


19  either the current or the preceding calendar year, employed 10 or           


20  more individuals performing agricultural service, regardless of             


21  whether the individuals were employed at the same moment of time,           


22  or  which  that, during any calendar quarter in either the                  


23  current or the preceding calendar year, paid remuneration in cash           


24  of $20,000.00 or more to employees performing agricultural                  


25  service.                                                                    


26      (b) For the purposes of this subdivision, an individual who                 


27  is a member of a crew furnished by a crew leader to perform                 


1   agricultural service for any farm operator shall be treated as an           


2   employee of that crew leader if the crew leader holds a valid               


3   certificate of registration under the  farm labor contractor                


4   registration act of 1963, 7 U.S.C.  2041 to 2055  migrant and               


5   seasonal agricultural worker protection act, 29 USC 1801 to 1872;           


6   or substantially all the members of the crew operate or maintain            


7   tractors, mechanized harvesting or crop-dusting equipment, or any           


8   other mechanized equipment, which is provided by the crew leader;           


9   and if the crew leader is not an employee of the farm operator              


10  within the meaning of this act.                                             


11      (c) For the purposes of this subdivision, in the case of an                 


12  individual who is furnished by a crew leader to perform                     


13  agricultural service for a farm operator and who is not treated             


14  as an employee of the crew leader under paragraph (b), the farm             


15  operator and not the crew leader shall be treated as the employer           


16  of the individual, and the farm operator shall be treated as                


17  having paid cash remuneration to the individual in an amount                


18  equal to the amount of cash remuneration paid to the individual             


19  by the crew leader, either on  his  the crew leader's own behalf            


20  or on behalf of the farm operator, for the agricultural service             


21  performed for the farm operator.                                            


22      (d) For the purposes of this subdivision, the term "crew                    


23  leader" means an individual who does all of the following:                  


24                                                                               (i) Furnishes individuals to perform agricultural service for                       


25  a farm operator.                                                            


26      (ii) Pays, either on  his  the crew leader's own behalf or on                


27  behalf of a farm operator, the individuals furnished by  him  the           


1   crew leader for the agricultural service performed by them.                 


2       (iii) Has not entered into a written agreement with the farm                 


3   operator under which the crew leader is designated as an employee           


4   of the farm operator.                                                       


5       (6)  Beginning January 1, 1978, an  An employing unit  which                


6   that paid cash remuneration of $1,000.00 or more for domestic               


7   service in any calendar quarter in the current calendar year or             


8   the preceding calendar year.  An employing unit that is                     


9   determined to be an employer under this subdivision shall not be            


10  considered an employer of other covered services unless it meets            


11  the test of being an employer under another subdivision of this             


12  section.                                                                    


13      (7) Any employing unit not an employer by reason of any other               


14  paragraph of this section for which services in employment are              


15  performed with respect to which  such  the employing unit is                


16  liable for any federal tax against which credit may be taken for            


17  contributions required to be paid into a state unemployment                 


18  compensation fund; but services performed for  such  that                   


19  employing unit shall constitute employment for the purposes of              


20  this act only to the extent that  such  the services constitute             


21  employment with respect to which  such  federal tax is payable.             


22      (8) For purposes of this section, a week which falls in 2                   


23  calendar years shall be considered to fall entirely within  that            


24  the calendar year  which  that contains the majority of days of             


25  that week.                                                                  


26      (9) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), after December 31, 1977,               


27  an employer means any employing unit for which services are                 


1   performed as defined in section 42(8) or (9).                               


2       (10) For the purpose of determining the amount of                           


3   contributions due pursuant to section  44(2)  44(3), the                    


4   provisions of subdivisions (5) and (6) shall first apply with               


5   respect to remuneration paid after December 31, 1977, for                   


6   services performed after that date.                                         


7       Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


8   effect unless all of the following bills of the 92nd Legislature            


9   are enacted into law:                                                       


10      (a) Senate Bill No. 1479.                                                   




12      (b) Senate Bill No. 1480                                                    




14      (c) Senate Bill No. 1481.                                                   




16      (d) Senate Bill No. 1482.